Mistress Marketed As A Queen? Camilla Parker Bowles Getting Image Makeover
World-famous already, Camilla Parker Bowles is edging ever so cautiously into the spotlight and perhaps into the running as a future queen of England.
The Daily Telegraph, venerable voice of the Establishment, gave its blessing over the weekend.
“She is good for his (Prince Charles’) peace of mind and is, therefore, performing a public service. It would make the best of a bad job if the public were to come gradually to accept this,” the Telegraph said in an editorial.
Parker Bowles will be hostess of a society fund-raiser in September and was the subject of a television documentary Sunday.
Newspapers suspect that it’s part of a larger scheme backed by the prince to sell her to the public.
“Suddenly, Camilla is in the headlines. Something is going on, and somebody, somewhere, is trying to control it all,” said a report in The Guardian newspaper Saturday.
As a marketing problem, it’s a tough one. Princess Diana publicly identified Camilla as the third party in her marriage to Charles.
Charles and Diana separated at the end of 1992, and their divorce became final last Aug. 28.
Parker Bowles and her husband, Andrew, were divorced in 1995.
She recently announced that she and her sister are planning a gala on Sept. 13 to benefit research on osteoporosis - the brittle-bone disease that killed their mother.
There also have been reports that the prince and Parker Bowles would vacation together in Scotland this summer and that Charles is planning an elaborate 50th birthday party for her at his home next Sunday.
Parker Bowles was the subject of a 50-minute documentary on Sunday.
The program mostly was devoted to the comments of friends who said Parker Bowles is a good egg who would make a fine wife and queen.