Wait Continues For Nevada-Lidgerwood Bicycle Path
Nevada-Lidgerwood neighbors who have waited three years for a bike path through their neighborhood might have to wait a little longer.
But there still is hope it will happen this summer.
A backlog of work in the city’s transportation department has temporarily shoved the project to the side.
“It’s on my list for mid-July, that’s when I’ll start working on it,” said Bud Vokoun, the city’s principal traffic engineer assigned to the project a few weeks ago.
“It will go this summer,” said Al French, chairman of the neighborhood steering committee.
French said he’s been given assurances by city Transportation Director Bruce Steele.
“He is trying to work with the neighborhood. He has assured us that it will be completed this year,” said French.
The neighborhood, north from NorthTown Mall, is bordered by Division and Perry, with Nevada running through the center.
It’s one of the highest traffic areas in the city.
The proposed bike path will follow Addison Street from Bridgeport to Dalke.
The neighborhood set aside $18,000 in community development money three years ago to pay for the bike path. They were recently told, because of delays, the cost has climbed to $22,000.
“It’s a disappointment to the steering committee, we’ve been working on this for two years,” said Sandy Smith, a committee member. “This was supposed to be done last year. Now the cost is up.
“Every week it’s delayed, it’s a bigger chance it won’t get done,” she said.
In the meantime, a three-way stop sign at the intersection of Addison, Standard and Lyons will be installed in late summer or fall.
Some residents are concerned traffic will back up at the intersection, especially in winter.
“With a three-way stop, everyone gets a chance to go. It will reduce delays,” said Bob Turner, associate traffic engineer.
Lyons Avenue from Division to Addison will also be reworked to add a center turn lane. The project has been approved, but probably won’t begin until next summer. Street parking will be eliminated on that section of Lyons.
, DataTimes