Chief Joseph Cross-Country Ski Tour
Check it out
Distance: 12 kilometers
Difficulty: Difficult
Skiing time: 2-3 hours
Season: Dec. through March
Maps: Chief Joseph Pass Cross-Country Ski Trails available from Sula or Wisdom ranger Stations
Info: Wisdom Ranger District. (406) 689-3243
Ski touring trip notes
Access: From Missoula, drive south on U.S. Highway 93 about 95 miles to Lost Trail Pass. Turn east (left) toward Wisdom, Mont., on State Highway 43 and go about 1 mile to parking area at Chief Joseph Pass on north (left) side of road.
Attractions: Maintained 25-kilometer trail system high on Continental Divide comes as close as anywhere to guaranteeing blue-wax skiing conditions. Virtually all trails above elev. 7,000 feet. Area groomed weekly with snowmobiles by Bitterroot Cross-Country Ski Club. Well-marked trails vary from easy to expert, with lots of easy terrain and excellent views into Montana and Idaho. Backcountry skiing opportunities include two Forest Service cabins rented for overnight use. Chair lifts and downhill skiing available nearby at Lost Trail Ski Area. Lost Trail Hot Springs Resort, about 8 miles north of Lost Trail Pass off Highway 93, has cabins, restaurant and hot mineral pool.
Comments: Cross-country trails have no ski patrol or warming shelters, although outhouse is maintained. Trails not groomed to standards of areas with large groomers.
Featured route begins at elev. 7,265 feet and looks for trails with gusto. From parking area, head straight toward Sunny Meadow. After short downhill, take right on Banshee Trail. Depending on grooming and snow conditions, this downhilll through five clearcuts ranges from thrilling to puckering. (Drops 400 feet in elevation to The Forks.)
Natural runout after first downhill run followed by another short steep downhilll, sharp left turn, then steepest single hill on trail system. Most experienced skiers should be able to handle this short hill and let skis run in tracks. Trail goes through dense timber and meadows and past huge picturesque snags to The Forks junction.
Take cut-off to shorten Route by 1.2Ks if desired. Otherwise, turn right onto Joseph Creek Lower Loop. Climb gently into timber, pass emergency exit trail to highway, then sail down through timber and fly out into open meadow to low point of trail system at 6,800 feet. Trail bears left to avoid dropping into Joseph Creek. Begin climbing toward picturesque lunch spot just before Middle Fork junction.
Bear right onto Middle Fork Trail, climbing steadily (except for one short steep hump) to gain 620 feet elevation in 2.4Ks.
From natural meadows near high point of route, trail bears left at what locals call “Windy Corner.” Any breeze in area funnels through this narrow opening.
Ski short way into Sentinel Meadow for spectacular view of Lost Trail Ski Area, Wildfire Ridge and Saddle Mountain.
Head up Vista View, another steady climb. Trail enters lodgepole pine and bends left to begin pleasant run through old clearcuts. It’s downhilll almost to Continental Divide Trail.
Cross CD Trail onto Lost Trail Loop. Climb to about the junction with Cut-Thru junction, then continue downhilll on Lost Trail Loop. Take shortcut to parking area or finish with pleasant tour of Sunny Meadow Trail back to starting point.
Contact Wisdom Ranger District for info on reserving backcountry cabins. Winter weekends book immediately when reservations open Oct. 15.
, DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: Graphic: Chief Joseph Cross-Country Ski Tour
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