Judge Ye Not, Doug Clark Letter Of The Week: From Dec. 28
Re: Doug Clark’s column, “Lengthy jail term brings out old-time religion.”
I don’t condone drunken driving, nor am I defending James Barstad. Indeed, we should severely punish those convicted of such crimes. But I find myself greatly moved to speak about Clark’s shameless attack on Christian conversion.
For Clark to sit on the throne of God and judge who has or hasn’t accepted Christ as his savior is the most nauseating thing I’ve seen in a long time. I feel that he speaks of things he has no real knowledge of.
I’ve been a minister at the Spokane County Jail for over eight years and I’ve seen many people come to the Lord there. I have seen people whose lives have been changed forever by Jesus Christ.
Just because they come at a time when are they facing a lengthy jail term is no measure of their sincerity, for it has been the pattern of men throughout history to finally seek the Lord at the lowest moments of their lives - the loss of a loved one, divorce, terminal illness. A lengthy jail sentence is no exception.
It’s at times like these that we finally come to the conclusion that we need Jesus and seek the comfort of his love.
Clark, as you pointed out, a Christian should be Christ-like. Do you think your column was Christ-like?
Instead of laughing at anyone’s misfortune, let’s pray for Barstad, his family and the families of his victims. Let’s pray that, in the midst of such great sorrow, they all discover the solace only Jesus can give. Marlon Jamison Rockford, Wash.