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Hints From Heloise

King Features Syndicate

Dear Heloise: Do you want to dress up your child’s plain paper lunch bag?

Sponge the bag with slick paints and put on a few stickers. Or, fold over the top of the bag about 1-1/2 inches and punch (with a paper punch) two holes through the folded area. String a few strands of curling ribbon through the holes and tie it in a bow.

Remember to curl the ribbon and you can tie on a sucker too. - Carol Andrews, Anchorage, Alaska

Dear Heloise: I put a small safety pin in the back of the waistband of a pair of pantyhose that is no longer good enough to wear outside but still has use left in it to wear around the house. This makes it very easy to identify after laundering.

I also keep my pantyhose in plastic shoe boxes in the drawer; these go in one box and the ones to wear outside in another. - Betty Wilson, Kenton, Ohio