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Banana Bread Hot Cereal - It’s Worth Waking Up For

Rick Bonino Food Editor

If you had a choice between banana nut bread or oatmeal, we’ve got a pretty good idea what you would pick.

Now Nabisco has made the decision more difficult with its Banana Nut Bread Instant Multigrain Hot Cereal. The blend of oats, wheat, barley, banana chips and almonds combines the hearty wholesomeness of hot cereal with a nutty sweetness that left The Spokesman-Review’s reader food panel plenty satisfied.

Next we’d like to see them do something with oatmeal and Dove bars. But not necessarily for breakfast.

Nabisco Banana Nut Bread Instant Multigrain Hot Cereal

Price: $2.99 for 11.3 ounces (8 single-serving packets).

Nutrition: 150 calories (10 percent fat calories); 200 milligrams sodium per serving.

Taste: ****

Value: ***

Comments: “Nice consistency and the nuts are crunchy - a nice touch. Not too sweet, either. Look, Ma, I’m eating my oatmeal!” - Jan Robison

“Compelling banana flavor, nice chunks of nuts.” - Helen Span

, DataTimes MEMO: Products sampled by The Spokesman-Review’s reader food panel are prepared according to package directions. Panelists are not aware of a product’s brand name or price until after they have tasted it. Products are rated from one to five stars for taste and for value, based on quality compared to price.

Products sampled by The Spokesman-Review’s reader food panel are prepared according to package directions. Panelists are not aware of a product’s brand name or price until after they have tasted it. Products are rated from one to five stars for taste and for value, based on quality compared to price.