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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Rousing Start Hundreds Crowd Ceremony For Mayor, Rodgers, Higgins

The crowd filled the Spokane City Council chambers and spilled into the reception area outside.

On Monday, nearly 300 people watched with rapt attention as Mayor-elect John Talbott took the oath of office. And when he spoke, they leapt to their feet in his honor.

“That applause has to be for the people of the community,” said Talbott, who appeared overwhelmed by the outpouring of support. “They are the ones who made Spokane so great.”

Talbott, joined by Councilwoman Cherie Rodgers and Councilman-elect Rob Higgins, was sworn in during a short but emotional ceremony punctuated by rousing gospel music, patriotic tunes from a kindergarten choir and prayers by a reverend and a rabbi.

In his keynote speech, former Mayor Neal Fosseen urged council members to speak their views openly and not be afraid to disagree. His voice caught as he quoted Shakespeare: “This above all: to thine own self be true. And it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.”

As the crowd left the chambers for the reception, Talbott was encircled by people who wanted to congratulate him, shake his hand or get his autograph. He beamed as he talked about the diverse ceremony he and his supporters had put together.

“This council’s never seen any thing like this before,” he said. “It’s just getting started.”

For many at Monday’s swearing-in, Talbott’s mayoral victory last November felt like a personal triumph. They came to witness one of the city’s most famous outsiders cross to the inside, linking them to their government.

“I came today to watch the swearing-in of the first mortal to Olympus,” said resident Sherrie Bryant. “John doesn’t act like he’s above reproach. He listens to what the people have to say.

“He’s real.”

“There’s a good mood here tonight, and that’s rare,” said businessman David Hamer. “He’ll be a catalyst to bring people together. There’s been a terrible division in this community.”

Attorney Steve Eugster forecast a change in the city’s direction. “For me, this is a signal that the community is going to begin focusing attention on the real needs of the community, not just a few in the community,” he said.

While the ceremony focused on Talbott, Higgins and Rodgers also received extended applause from the overflow crowd.

“I love it,” said a glowing Rodgers as she surveyed the packed reception area.

“I’m impressed with the number of people here,” Higgins said, prompting his wife, Barbara, to offer him some advice.

“If you had good singing like that, maybe you’d get that attendance at all the council meetings,” she said.

Talbott, Rodgers, Higgins and Phyllis Holmes will officially start their terms on Thursday.

, DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: Color photo