The Rules Of Golf
Rule 14-5. Playing Moving Ball.
A player shall not play while his ball is moving.
Exceptions: Ball falling off tee, striking the ball more than once, ball moving in water.
When the ball begins to move only after the player has begun the stoke or the backward movement of his club for the stroke, he shall incur no penalty under this rule for playing a moving ball, but he is not exempt from any penalty incurred under the following rules: Ball at rest moved by player, ball at rest moving after address, ball at rest moving after loose impediment touched.
Rule 14-6. Ball Moving in Water.
When a ball is moving in water in a water hazard, the player may, without penalty, make a stroke, but he must not delay making his stroke in order to allow the wind or the current to improve the position of the ball. A ball moving in a water hazard may be lifted if the player elects to invoke rule 26.
Penalty for breach of rule 14-5 or -6: Match play - loss of hole; stroke play - two strokes.