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U Of I’S Local Students Hone Teaching Skills

Area University of Idaho College of Education students are involved in student teaching at local schools as part of the teaching certification requirements. Students, hometowns and their host schools are listed.

Moscow: Bridget Lightbody, earth science education, daughter of William and Carol Lightbody, teaching at Prospect Middle School, Prospect, Ore.; Eric Louis, English education, son of E. and Irene Louis, teaching at Coeur d’Alene High School; Rhett Mahoney, teaching at Chelan High School in Chelan, Wash.; Jimmy McDowell, history education, son of Margeret Erickson, teaching at Palmer High School in Palmer, Ark.; Christopher Nelson, biological science education, son of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Nelson, teaching at Moscow Junior High School; Linda Owsley, mathematics education, teaching at Moscow Junior High School; Brian Parish, elementary education, son of Sharon Meacham, teaching at Potlatch Elementary School; Lee Ann Hansen Pteussner, special education, teaching at Russell Elementary School; Lida Pumfrey, biological sciences, teaching at Troy High School; Judy Savage, graduate student in special education, daughter of Norval Mulch, teaching at West Park Elementary School; Ted Severe, psychology, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Severe, teaching at Mt. Si. High School in North Bend, Wash.; Dave Sheffield, English education, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sheffield, teaching at Colville (Wash.) High School; Anita Shum, vocal music education, teaching at Russell Elementary School; Douglas Sitton, earth science education, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sitton, teaching at Sandpoint High School; Janet Smith, elementary education, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, teaching at West Park Elementary School; Vernon Spencer, mathematics education, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Spencer, teaching at Moscow Junior High School; Patrick Sullivan, social science education, son of James and Mary Sullivan, teaching at Lake Pend Oreille High School; Jeremy Tate, vocal music education, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Tate, teaching at Capital High School in Boise; Debbie Taylor, English education, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kerr, teaching at McCall-Donnelly High School in McCall; Steven Taylor, earth science education, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Taylor, teaching at McCallDonnelly Middle School in Donnelly; Cole Wilson, physical education, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilson, teaching at Lakes Middle School; Eric Winburn, elementary education, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Winburn, teaching at West Park Elementary School; B. Faye Huff Williams, special education, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Hugg, teaching at Post Falls High School; and Kristen Timm Walzem, special education graduate student, teaching at Moscow Junior High School.

, DataTimes MEMO: Contact for Idaho Achievements is Sherry Adkins. Tell us about your achievements by writing to: Achievements, The Spokesman-Review, Suite 200, 608 Northwest Blvd., Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814. Pictures must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

Contact for Idaho Achievements is Sherry Adkins. Tell us about your achievements by writing to: Achievements, The Spokesman-Review, Suite 200, 608 Northwest Blvd., Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814. Pictures must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.