Spokane Horizons Volunteers Raising Signs
Yard signs designed to raise awareness and encourage community involvement in Spokane Horizons, a group of volunteers planning the city’s future, are being planted in neighborhoods throughout the city.
Five hundred signs asking “It’s 11 p.m. … do you know where your future is?” have been printed.
“The signs make a personal statement of commitment,” said Chris Hugo, a city planner.
Spokane Horizons work groups are now meeting to help chart the city’s future, including transportation, land use and housing, and revise the comprehensive plan.
The signs include the number of the city planning department and a Web site (www.spokanehorizons.org)
Callers will be added to the mailing list to receive newsletters and notices of community meetings.
Signs can be obtained by calling the planning department at 625-6060. , DataTimes