Kids Go To The Wall For Environment
With all the might she could muster, 11-year-old Alex Davenport pulled herself up a 10-foot-high wall Monday afternoon at Liberty Lake County Park.
Sure, she had some help from her fifth-grade Chester Elementary schoolmates. But the exhilaration she felt after topping the wall was something she won’t soon forget.
“I didn’t think I was going to be able to get over it,” said Alex. “It was kind of easy but before I thought it was going to be really hard.”
Chester Elementary’s fifth-graders are the first this season to participate in the Central Valley School District’s Environmental Education Day, a program begun eight years ago. More than 6,000 students from 13 elementary schools have completed the program.
This year, the program is headed by Chris Berard, a Greenacres Elementary science teacher, and Bob Liepold, a retired CV teacher. The series of one-day educational outings this year began Monday and will continue through mid-May. All fifth-grade classes in CV district schools will participate.
The activities include hands-on discussions about water safety, forestry, geology and teamwork.
Kids get to touch igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks as well as minerals. They plunge screens into the park’s streams to find out what insects live on the water’s surface. And, the students learn both the dangers and the value of fire in a forest’s life cycle.
Volunteers from 18 Inland Northwest companies, organizations and governmental agencies, such as the Bureau of Land Management, Bonneville Power Administration, Spokane County Public Works, Cominco Mining and Turnbull Federal Wildlife National Refuge, donate one day to the program to teach the children about nature and their role in preserving it.
But the “funnest part,” according to nine of Chester’s fifth graders, was the park’s ropes course, which forced the kids to complete several tasks by working together.
One task was to get all nine students over the 10-foot wall. J.T. Radke, 11, was the first to climb the wall. That was after he squashed the heads of two classmates with his hands. Once over the wall, Radke stood on a platform and helped pull the others over. When it was John Hennessy’s turn, he said his only concern was that Radke and the others might drop him.
But, they didn’t. Everyone’s fears were replaced with sheer joy. They high-fived and hugged each other. Berard and Liepold are hoping the kids will bring those lessons to the playground.
“We’re teaching them how valuable the woods are and how to appreciate nature and people,” said Berard. “Our differences can be our strengths. The lessons here are real lessons. They never forget this day.”
Legislative pages from Valley
Three Valley youngsters recently served as pages in the state House of Representatives.
Jill Ebelt, ninth grader at Greenacres Junior High, was sponsored by Rep. Mark Sterk, R-Veradale. Ebelt, 15, is student body vice president at her school.
Tarah Evans, ninth grader at Horizon Junior High, was sponsored by Rep. Larry Crouse, R-Spokane Valley. Evans, 15, plays on the University High School junior varsity soccer team.
Kellie Kreamer, 16 and a sophomore who is home-schooled, also was sponsored by Crouse.
Auction benefits St. Mary’s School
The annual St. Mary’s School auction this Saturday offers bidders a chance to buy trips, crafts, collectibles and other items.
The event begins at 5 p.m. Saturday at the Red Lion Motor Inn on Sullivan Road. A silent auction runs from 5 to 9 p.m. A dinner of salmon or prime rib will be served at 6:15 p.m. The loud auction begins at 7:15 p.m. After the auction, there will be music for dancing. Auction tickets cost $30 per person and can be purchased by calling the school at 924-4300. All proceeds benefit the school.
There will be a free family fun night in the St. Mary’s gym tonight. This event, which runs from 4:30 to 8 p.m., will feature food, games and auction items.
, DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: Photo
MEMO: If you have news about an interesting program or activity at a Valley school or about the achievements of Valley students, teachers or school staff, please let us know. Write: Education notebook, Valley Voice, 13208 E. Sprague, Spokane, WA 99216. Call: 927-2166. Fax: 927-2175.