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Pick Of The Pickles

True connoisseurs know when they’ve gotten into a real pickle.

A pickle-loving reader alerted us to Felix Gourmet Kosher Dills from Canby, Ore. The old-fashioned pickles are fermented for a full year in barrels, and come packed in their original brine, with fresh dill, garlic and spices - but no vinegar or preservatives.

The result: A sweet, salty but not sharp-tasting pickle with a distinctive dill flavor.

Price: $3.37 for a 32-ounce jar.

Available: At Fred Meyer in the Spokane Valley, 15609 E. Sprague. Also available through mail order, by the case; for information, call (503) 266-5256.

, DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: Color Photo

MEMO: Do you know of a new, unusual or just plain good food item? Tell us about it at Food Finds, Features Department, The Spokesman-Review, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210. Call 459-5446; fax 459-5098.

Do you know of a new, unusual or just plain good food item? Tell us about it at Food Finds, Features Department, The Spokesman-Review, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210. Call 459-5446; fax 459-5098.