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Rachel Sierra Canterbury To Stacy and Grant Canterbury of Spokane. She weighed 8 lb. 2 oz. and was 19 inches long (April 14).

Annika Louise Lucke To Jennifer and James Lucke of Spokane. She weighed 8 lb. 8 oz. and was 20-1/2 inches long (April 14).

Tiana LaRee Stewart To Margaret and Shane Stewart of Spokane. She weighed 8 lb. 8 oz. and was 19-1/2 inches long (April 14).

Kortnee Marie Jensen To Deanna and Chad Jensen of Fairchild Air Force Base. She weighed 7 lb. and was 18-1/2 inches long (April 12).

Holy Family

Sawyer Justus Lehman To Jodi and Lance Lehman of Spokane. He weighed 8 lb. 5 oz. and was 19-3/4 inches long (April 14).

Cameron Andrew Bonser To Danita and Mark Bonser of Spokane. He weighed 9 lb. 3 oz. and was 20 inches long (April 14).

Sarah Leanne Hodge To Renee Danley and Royal Hodge of Spokane. She weighed 7 lb. 9 oz. and was 20-1/2 inches long (April 14).

Tyler Lee Russel Thomas To Melissa and Richard Thomas of Spokane. He weighed 7 lb. 12 oz. and was 20 inches long (April 14).

Sacred Heart

Adam William Moore To Lisa and Scott Moore of Spokane. He weighed 7 lb. 13-1/2 oz. and was 21 inches long (April 11).

Chang-Hughes A daughter to Samantha Hughes and Telson Chang of Airway Heights. She weighed 7 lb. 10 oz. and was 19-3/4 inches long (April 10).

Youlden A daughter to Sharon and Derek Youlden of Spokane. She weighed 7 lb. 8-1/2 oz. and was 21 inches long (April 10).

Jacob Donovan Burger To Christina Burger of Spokane. He weighed 9 lb. and was 21-1/2 inches long (April 9).

Schofield A daughter to Tena and Timmie Schofield of Spokane. She weighed 7 lb. 5 oz. and was 22 inches long (April 9).

Shay Lynn Wall To Toni and Rob Wall of Spokane. She weighed 7 lb. 6 oz. and was 20 inches long (April 9).

Faith Noelle Gould To Laura and John Gould of Spokane. She weighed 8 lb. 11 oz. and was 21 inches long (April 9).

Shawn Bowles To Dalene Utley and Craig Bowles of Cheney. He weighed 7 lb. 14 oz. and was 21-1/2 inches long (April 9).

Ashley Marie Lockenvitz To Jean Lockenvitz of Coulee Dam. She weighed 6 lb. 2 oz. and was 19-1/2 inches long (April 11).

Hailee Jene Hansen To Rhonda and Larry Hansen of Spokane. She weighed 2 lb. 6 oz. and was 14-1/2 inches long (April 4).

Duall Wayne Gladden To Moeneek and Dave Gladden of Medical Lake. He weighed 6 lb. 14 oz. and was 20 inches long (April 14).

Reed Palrang Lindholdt To Karen and Paul Lindholdt of Spokane. He weighed 9 lb. 11 oz. and was 22 inches long (April 14).

Emily Rae Young To Christy and Micheal Young of Mead. She weighed 7 lb. 14 oz. and was 21 inches long (April 15).

McKindsay Alysse Dow To Shina Hake and Wayne Dow of Cheney. She weighed 9 lb. 3 oz. and was 19-3/4 inches long (April 10).

Jewett A daughter to Kim and Dave Jewett of Spokane. She weighed 9 lb. 3 oz. and was 23-1/2 inches long (April 8).

, DataTimes