The Slice Here’s A Big, Hairy Deal To Consider
Spokane beauty salon operator Terry Eaglefeather has hair to give away to local gardeners.
It’s said to have the power to ward off deer and other uninvited visitors. Call him at 468-4247.
Some people like to slice ‘em in half and slather on cream cheese: A local daycare operator told us about a 5-year-old boy named Eric who, when asked if he wanted breakfast, declined the offer. He wasn’t hungry because he “Just ate a beagle.”
Keeping it in the family, Part 2: Spokane’s Leola Kennedy has a long-handled garden “claw” that belonged to her grandmother. It reminds her of a tulip garden in Park City, Mont., and of how her grandmother named each flower.
Family values: A colleague was at the window at the Spokane County Courthouse where you obtain marriage licenses. She thought it was interesting that, although there were other stations nearby at which people could transact business, the marriage license window was the only one with a sign requesting that small children not be placed on the counter.
Warm-up questions: How many people use a fake name when signing up for Bloomsday? Which of your tapes or CDs does your mechanic play while working on your car? What plants, rocks or other landscaping features have been stolen from your property? What’s one use of your federal tax dollars that you feel good about?
We’ve been asked: So here’s our answer. The chief reason The Slice doesn’t have an e-mail address is we don’t really want one.
We’re weary of Internet hype. And we are annoyed by the ridiculous idea that everyone now prefers to communicate via computers. E-mail is fine. It’s this assumption of universality that bugs us.
In addition, when we can’t meet them in person, we like to hear readers’ voices or see their handwriting (even if it’s just a signature on a typed letter).
Still, having said all that, we should note that more than a few readers whose opinions we value want us to have an e-mail address. And it’s not as if we don’t have plenty of colleagues, friends and relatives in the ranks of cyberheads. So maybe we’ll change our minds. If we do, you’ll be the first to know.
Today’s Slice question: What Spokane area couple holds the local record for breaking up and getting back together the most times? , DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: Drawing
MEMO: The Slice appears Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098. No, you’re not the only one who waves to drivers in cars that are the same model, year and color as your own.