Hearing Examiner Approves Sunset Hill Subdivision
The Spokane hearing examiner has approved a Seattle developer’s request for a 267-home subdivision in southwest Spokane.
The development, called Westridge, would be built on 68 acres that were included in last year’s Grandview annexation into the city. The area is on the south side of Interstate 90 near the top of Sunset Hill.
Developer Barry Margolese of the West Jackson Co. in Seattle requested a planned unit development for part of the property and a preliminary plat for the rest.
The plan includes open spaces, a pocket park on a half acre and public and private streets to serve the homes. The private streets would be at the south end of the development.
Most of the lots will range in size from 7,200 to 8,500 square feet, with some reaching as large as 16,400 square feet.
The developer agreed to improve Grandview Avenue adjacent to the development and the intersection of 17th Avenue and H Street during the first phase of construction.
Also, the developer will pay for striping a left turn lane at Rustle and Sunset Boulevard, and pay for a barrier and right-turn-only signs at 16th Avenue and U.S. Highway 195.
As for parks, the applicant agreed to donate $50,000 toward improvement of undeveloped city park land at the intersection of 17th Avenue and D Street.
Stormwater runoff will be handled with basins and grassy areas along the streets.
Hearing Examiner Greg Smith approved the project this week after considering information provided at a hearing on Feb. 27.
Final engineering and designs must be approved by the city before construction begins.
Residents of the neighborhood had expressed concerns about the increase of traffic the development will cause.
, DataTimes