Best Of Sweet Adelines On Display This Weekend
Get ready for the sweet harmonic sounds of history to hit Spokane.
More than 900 women with a love for old-time barbershop music will descend on Spokane as The Sweet Adelines International holds its regional competition and convention at the Opera House Friday and Saturday.
The Sweet Adelines is a group of women dedicated to the four-part harmony, barbershop-style music of the ‘30s and ‘40s. It is music that influenced do-wop and, eventually, our own modern pop.
The group’s 30,000 members come from around the world - from the U.S. to Japan, Finland, Germany and many places in between.
Starting Friday, members from across Region 13 - the Northwestern states - will arrive in Spokane to test their voices against those of their fellow Adelines.
Quartets will compete Friday night starting at 7. Choruses begin competing Saturday at noon. The Festival of Champions will be held Saturday night at 8 with all the top winners showing off their stuff.
Competitors will be judged in four categories: music, expression, sound and showmanship.
Judy O’Brien, regional publicity chairwoman, says the event will be more than just singing.
“This is like a Las Vegas show,” she says. “Some of these choruses have 125 people on stage.”
They also combine some dancing/choreography, she said.
In other Sweet Adelines events:
Prepared to be bowled over by song at the “mass sing” Friday at 4:30 p.m. As many of the 900 competitors who can make it, will gather at the Red Wagon in Riverfront Park to belt out their beautiful music. Cherie Rodgers, new city council member, will give the welcoming address.
Quartets will perform at the NorthTown mall and downtown sites at The Bon, Crescent Court, River Park Square and the Flour Mill on Thursday from 4 to 7 p.m.
A Young Women in Harmony chorus from the Tri-Cities will perform at the afternoon session of the chorus competition.
Kathy Carmody, the new international president, will attend this weekend’s event. She will direct the Top of the World Chorus from Anchorage.
Tickets are available through G&B Select-a-Seat, 325-SEAT, and at the door.
Quartet and chorus competition tickets are $10 each. Festival of Champions tickets are $16. , DataTimes