Letters To The Editor
There are some nice people out there
We frequently hear about bad people and the bad things that happen, but there are also many thoughtful people in Spokane.
Recently, I was having “one of those days,” which included driving to NorthTown after work to pick up some contact lenses. I was driving home to the Valley at about 4:45 p.m. when my truck stalled at the corner of Addison and Wellesley.
I could not restart it, my emergency flashers weren’t working and traffic was backing up. I got out to pull up the hood and direct traffic. A gentleman (in the truest sense of the word) stopped and checked the battery, etc.
Shortly after he stopped, a police car passed, went around the block and stopped also. The officer pushed my truck around two corners, let me use his cell phone to call someone and offered to call AAA while I was on the phone.
He also reassured me that it was OK to leave the truck where it was. He was very courteous and helpful.
I never got a chance to thank the gentleman who stopped.
I think it’s important to remember that there are good people out there and our police officers are certainly among those! Alicia Gaskievicz Spokane