Coming This Week: Polls, Primary Guide
Yard signs and an avalanche of political ads leave little doubt the region is in the middle of a hot political season.
The dozens of candidates will be winnowed out by the state’s Sept. 17 primary.
Look for a comprehensive guide to the primary in Thursday’s Spokesman-Review.
Starting Tuesday, The Spokesman-Review’s “Sounding Washington” poll will examine the views of voters statewide and in the Fifth Congressional District.
More than 800 residents were surveyed statewide and 400 in Eastern Washington’s congressional district.
Here’s what’s coming:
Tuesday: Fifth Congressional District.
Wednesday: Superintendent of Public Instruction, charter schools and school vouchers.
Thursday: Medicare and what voters think about the current system, how it should be paid off in the future and whether the current level of benefits should continue.
Friday: Governor.
Saturday: Statewide initiatives, including term limits, bear baiting and Indian gambling.
Sunday: The presidential race and national issues, including terrorism, deficit and taxes.
, DataTimes