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Hints From Heloise

King Features Syndicate

Dear Heloise: I share your compassion for animals. Over the years I’ve taken in many strays and out of about 20, I only found one owner.

Not all stray animals are abandoned. Some just wander off or escape their confinement and for whatever reason have no tag or ID. Most were wearing collars. Please at least write your phone number or address on the collar (flea collar also) with a permanent marker. This makes it easy to get in touch with the owner. It should not replace licensing but should be done in addition to licensing.

Also, please use a circle key ring to attach any tags because the “S” hook can catch on wire fences and may choke the animal. - Linda Arman, Massillon, Ohio

It’s important to have some sort of identification on your pet. They depend on us and when we decide to own a pet we have to be responsible owners and do everything possible to keep them safe. - Heloise
