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‘Bus’ Celebrates Spirit Of Million Man March

Chris Hewitt St. Paul Pioneer Press

A briefly glimpsed poster sums up the theme of Spike Lee’s “Get on the Bus.” It says, “I am my brother’s keeper.”

Released on the anniversary of the Million Man March, “Get on the Bus” celebrates the march’s spirit of brotherhood by looking at about a dozen fictional African-American men who made the trip to Washington, D.C. On the way, they talk about conspiracy theories, homophobia and black-on-black racism.

From the beginning, it’s more like “Get in Your Face.” Moviegoers, especially those who aren’t African-American, are likely to feel like watching “Get on the Bus” is a chance to eavesdrop on conversations we normally wouldn’t hear. Lee introduces the cast with a call-and-response song performed by all the bus riders and leads up to loaded confrontations about topics such as gang violence, use of the word “nigger” and some of the problematic (that is, racist) beliefs of MMM organizer Louis Farrakhan.

The best moments of “Get on the Bus” are passionate, confrontational and hilarious but, as usual, no one can shoot his own movie in the foot like Spike Lee. He structures the movie around two main plot lines - a battling father and son and an old man taking his final journey - both of which are sentimental and unconvincing.

With each Lee movie, it becomes clearer that what is best about his work is inextricably linked with what is worst. He obviously feels strongly about the issues his movie raises - so strongly that, once he’s made his point, he underlines it, repeats it, highlights it with a yellow marker and shoves our face in it.

Yes, “Get on the Bus” is occasionally repetitive - you haven’t heard this much singing on a bus since the Partridge Family. And with all the musical instruments and plot twists on board, it’s a wonder there’s enough room on the bus for the actors. But it features fine acting by Andre Braugher, Ossie Davis and an unusually subdued Charles Dutton. And if Lee movies are going to keep forcing us to take the bad with the good, this is one time when the good dominates.

xxxx “Get on the Bus” Locations: North Division, Lincoln Heights cinemas Credits: Directed by Spike Lee, starring Charles Dutton Running time: 2:00 Rating: R