Impact Fees Will Be Paid To Avoid Development Delay
A Spokane couple has agreed to pay impact fees to the city so they can go ahead with plans to develop on their Five Mile Prairie property.
The City Council on Monday approved the proposal that calls for Randy and Conni Stamper paying $1,430 to the city for each of the proposed 26 lots.
The Stampers are planning to develop property located north of Weile Avenue between Austin and Five Mile roads. The project still must go before the city’s hearing examiner for final approval.
Don Carlson, a city planner, recently told the council the Stampers chose to pay the fees rather than delay their development plans.
Stan Schwartz, an assistant city attorney, said Spokane’s voluntary impact fee ordinance makes it possible for the city to require the money prior to construction.
Because of Five Mile’s transportation problems, the city could deny the Stampers’ request to build on the land until there was “adequate infrastructure,” Schwartz said, adding that the couple chose to “negotiate for payment.”
The city must use the money to pay for traffic improvements within six years or return it, Schwartz siad.
In other business, the City Council on Monday:
Approved a $15,073 contract with Acme Materials and Construction Co. to pave the alley between Wall and Howard streets from Queen to Everett avenues.
Approved a $14,492 contract with Acme to pave the alley between Howard and Stevens streets from Queen to Everett avenues.
Set a public hearing before the City Council on Oct. 21 to discuss vacating 2,660 feet of the southwest corner of Garland Avenue and Division Street.
Changed the zoning of property on the southeast corner of Everett and Division from residential or office use to community business use.
Changed the zoning of property on the north side of Francis Avenue between Crestline and Lee streets from residential to community business.
Changed the zoning of property on the northwest corner of Wellesley Avenue and Haven Streets from high-density residential to office use.
Vacated Montgomery Avenue from Perry to Hogan streets.
, DataTimes