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Low In Fat, High In Beef? It’s Possible

Rick Bonino Food Editor

“Beef” and “nutrition” are not mutually exclusive, the meat industry people would like you to know.

During March, which is National Nutrition Month, several Spokane area supermarkets will offer “Lean ‘N Easy with Beef” recipe centers, featuring four low-fat beef preparations using leaner top sirloin and round tip cuts.

The recipes, part of a program developed by The American Dietetic Association and the National Live Stock and Meat Board, include Bistro Beef Steak, Moo Shu Beef, Spanish Rice and Beef Casserole and Italian Beef Stir-Fry.

Look for displays at Rosauers, Excell, Safeway, Tidyman’s, Fred Meyer and IGA stores. Or you can get the recipes by writing to the Washington State Beef Commission, 2200 6th Ave., Suite 105, Seattle, WA 98121.

Good knight!

Speaking of beef, U.S. consumption increased from 64.6 pounds per person in 1994 to 68.8 pounds last year, according to the National Cattlemen’s Association. It was the second straight year of growth following a steady decrease in consumption starting in the mid-1980s.

And speaking of sirloin, in case you were wondering how it got its name, one legend has it that King Henry VIII was so impressed by the tenderness and taste of the cut that he pulled out his sword and dubbed it Sir Loin.

A less romantic, but more likely, explanation is that the name comes from the French “surlonge,” meaning over the loin.

Ordering information

If you’re trying to meet your nutritional needs while eating out, a program Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at Holy Family Hospital’s Health Education Center might help.

“Eating Out - Light and Healthy,” presented by registered dietitian Ronda Prentiss, will discuss how to find healthy items on menus and offer samples of low-fat fare from local restaurants.

Cost is $5. Pre-registration is requested; call 482-2477.

Bonbons and bubbly

And if you’re ready to throw nutrition out the window for an evening - for a worthy cause - check out the Chocolate & Champagne Gala on March 22 at 6 p.m. at Cavanaugh’s Inn at the Park.

The benefit event for the Spokane Sexual Assault Center will serve up the likes of lattes, gourmet desserts, truffles, chocolate-covered strawberries and, of course, the sparkling stuff. Jazz music and auctions are also part of the program.

Tickets are $30 in advance, or $40 at the door. Call the center at 747-8224 or G&B Select-A-Seat at 325-7328.

, DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: Photo

MEMO: We’re always looking for fresh food news. Write to: The Fresh Sheet, Features Department, The Spokesman-Review, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210. Call 459-5098.

We’re always looking for fresh food news. Write to: The Fresh Sheet, Features Department, The Spokesman-Review, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210. Call 459-5098.