Full Of Beans
The common green bean is not typically thought of as a gourmet taste treat.
But when you take organically grown beans and pickle them with organic garlic, dill and mustard seed - like Victory’s Organic Gardens of Kettle Falls does with its Dilly Beans - the result is a crunchy, spicy delight.
Available in regular or extra hot versions, a few of these would dress up any dinner or hors d’oeuvre plate.
Or, as Victory’s suggests, they’d make swell stir sticks for Bloody Marys.
Price: About $7.50 for a quart.
Available: In Spokane at Hallett Farms, Mango ‘n Chili, Total Health Center and Harry O’s Fresh Market. For mail orders, call (800) 700-6123; pickled garlic and organic salsas also available.
, DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: Color Photo
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