State Farmers Jump Into New Program
Washington farmers thus far have enrolled 2.5 million acres in a new seven-year federal farm program, officials said Friday.
Gordon Lederer, chairman of the Washington Farm Service Agency Committee, which manages the farm program, called farmers’ participation in the program “very strong.”
Preliminary data shows that farmers have enrolled 72 percent of the 3.5 million eligible crop acres during the first five weeks of sign up. That compares to 64 percent of the almost 210 million eligible acres nationwide.
The sign-up period began May 20 and continues through July 12.
Seven-year Production Flexibility Contracts were created by Congress this year to reduce farmers’ regulatory burden while weaning them from taxpayer-supported subsidies. Farmers will receive flat, declining subsidy payments in exchange for maintaining conservation practices on their land and the right to plant any crop, other than fruits and vegetables, without government interference.
, DataTimes