A Burger A Day, Especially In Month Of May
While National Hamburger Month may have been over for five days now (no, Chelsea, no more cheeseburgers until next May!), these fun facts remain:
The world hamburger-eating record was set in 1979, when one Alan Peterson consumed 20, 3.5-ounce burgers - 4 pounds of patties in all - in half an hour.
President Clinton’s favorite hamburger toppings, from his Little Rock diner days: onion, lettuce, tomato, mayo and melted jalapeno jack cheese.
Elvis Presley preferred his burgers extra well-done - or, in the King’s English, “burnt.” When Elvis said, “That’s burnt, man,” it indicated either a good burger or a good performance.
For a free brochure featuring other things to do with ground beef besides burgers, send a stamped, self-addressed, business-sized envelope to: Fast Family Favorites, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, Dept. TK-BB, 444 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611.
Darigold medals
Darigold has come out with a “Better Butter Cookbook,” featuring winning recipes from the Seattle-based dairy cooperative’s recent contest - including Crab Ravioli with Lemon Butter Sauce from Spokane Community College chef/ instructor Peter Tobin, and Chocolate Fudge Brownie Pie from Christopher Bomar of Cedars Floating Restaurant in Coeur d’Alene.
For a copy, send four UPC bar codes from any Darigold products plus $1 shipping and handling to: Darigold Better Butter Cookbook, P.O. Box 79007, Seattle, WA 98119.
Ready, set, saute
Among the recipe contests with entry deadlines fast approaching:
Cooking Light with Wisconsin Cheese Recipe Contest - for low-fat recipes using at least one Wisconsin specialty cheese. Grand prize is a week for two at the Disney Institute in Orlando, Fla., plus $5,000 cash. Send entries by June 28 to: 2100 Lakeshore Drive, Birmingham, AL 35209.
Mushroom Council Second Annual Online Recipe Contest - for recipes using at least 8 ounces of fresh, white mushrooms. Grand prize is a $5,000 savings bond. Entry deadline is June 30; to enter or for more information, e-mail to lanshrooms@aol.com, fax to (212) 254-2452 or mail to: Mushroom Lovers’ Recipe Contest, 49 East 21st Street, New York, NY 10010.
World Beef Expo Cookoff - for recipes in five categories (round, chuck/brisket, sirloin/tenderloin, soup/stew/chili and ground). Grand prize is $2,000. Entry deadline is July 1; for information, write to: Shirley Raisbeck, 8053 Old Potosi Road, Lancaster, WI 53813.
, DataTimes MEMO: We’re always looking for fresh food news. Write to: The Fresh Sheet, Features Department, The Spokesman-Review, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210. Call 459-5446; fax 459-5098.