Mullan Pass Mountain Bike Tour
Check it out Distance: 16 miles Difficulty: Moderate Riding time: 1-4 hours Season: April through October Maps: Coeur d’Alene National Forest Info: Lookout Pass Ski Area, (208)744-1301 or Wallace Ranger District, (208)752-1221
Mountain biking trip notes
Access: From Interstate 90 east of Wallace, Idaho, take Exit 0 at Montana-Idaho border. Turn right at stop sign, then bear right into parking lot for Lookout Pass Ski Area.
Attractions: Scenic hybrid loop trip that links abandoned railroad grade, gravel road and new 3-mile leg of wide and delicious single track. Route passes near Shoshone Park - great for picnics - and offers options for shorter, easier rides.
Comments: Route begins at elev. 4,725 feet at ski area parking lot. Bicycle west into Idaho on abandoned railroad grade that heads downhill paralleling I-90.
Grade generally gentle, wide, smooth and suitable for high speeds. However, motor vehicles can be encountered and grade has occasional ruts and wet spots.
Grade virtually all downhill for 5 miles to junction with several roads, also trailhead for hiking Trail 165 to Stevens lakes. At this junction, take hard right to continue down railroad grade.
At 6-1/2 miles into route, grade passes under I-90, goes past cedar stands.
At 7-1/2 miles, leave railroad grade and turn right on wide, well-maintained dirt road toward Mullan Pass. (Note that abandoned railway continues across road short way before bending left and degenerating into several dirt tracks that lead down to Hale Fish Hatchery. From hatchery, paved road leads 1/3 mile to Shoshone Park.)
Pass house on right; watch for dogs. Begin steady uphill grade.
At 9 miles, pass old Beacon Light Mine. Thinned stand of larch on left followed by thick grove of sweet-smelling cedars. Ignore side roads, continuing straight on main dirt road that eventually makes two switchbacks under powerlines before leveling and leading to Mullan Pass at 12-1/2 miles.
At pass, just before main road starts heading downhill, new, delightful, machine-cut version of Stateline Trail 7 starts in small clearing and heads gently uphill to right (south). Trail contours in slightly downhill grade 3-1/8 miles back to Lookout Pass. Follow dirt road downhill through gate and cross I-90 overpass back to starting point.
Options: Leave shuttle car at Stevens Lake trailhead for easy 5-mile downhill ride on railroad grade from Lookout Pass. Or simply ride 6-1/2-mile round trip single-track route from Lookout to Mullan Pass and back.
Note: Lookout Pass Ski Area concession will remain closed this summer, except for special events.
, DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: Map of area
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