Rural Folks Want Help With Fire Protection
Some Eastern Washington residents think rural fire protection is the responsibility of all state taxpayers.
“I pay for kids in school, and I don’t have kids,” one woman said Wednesday.
She was responding to the biggest concern of the night: Why isn’t more money from the state’s general fund being spent on fighting wildfires?
Most of the 18 people attending the Spokane forum said rural residents, who pay special property tax assessments, shouldn’t have to pay the bulk of fire protection costs. They said hunters and other visitors often use their land.
The forum, hosted by the state Department of Natural Resources, is part of an independent review of Washington’s wildfire protection program.
The review will allow DNR and its firefighting partners - troubled by a shrinking budget and a dramatic increase in wildfires - to chart their future. A forum was held Tuesday in Vancouver for Western Washington residents.
Michael Thoele, author of “Fireline: The Summer Battles of the West,” led Wednesday’s meeting at the Spokane County Agricultural Building.
He began by giving a crash course on forest fires, including a slide show showing some spectacular blazes. Afterward, Thoele posed questions to the audience.
Most of those in attendance said they were pleased with how DNR responds to and battles wildfires. They said firefighting efforts in the Spokane area are better coordinated since Firestorm ‘91.
Greg Miller, who lives southwest of Spokane, said he doesn’t mind spending money to make his home safer from wildfires.
He said a forester visited his home and pointed out potential fire hazards.
“I don’t particularly want to see my house burn down,” he said. “I’d rather incur the cost now.”
, DataTimes