Those who lived in what’s now France finally got around to domesticating rabbits. But not until late. The A.D. 600s. Very late.
Q. Wasn’t it Dorothy Parker who said, “Even though a number of people have tried, nobody yet has found a way to drink for a living?
A. No, Jean Kerr said that. Parker said, “One more drink and I’ll be under the host.”
Q. Got your website set up yet, friend?
A. You bet. All done. Take a look:
Archeologists in old Rome’s digs found little hollow tubes dating back to Emperor Titus, A.D. 79 to 81. Most mysterious, at first. Additional evidence indicates Romans filled the tubes with hot water and curled their hair with them.
Q. I know Dagwood’s and Blonie’s last name is Bumstead, but what was Blondie’s maiden name?
A. Boopadoop.
Q. Why are coffee pots wide at the bottom while teapots are wide at the top?
A. Coffee grounds sink, tea leaves rise. Pot shapes go back to that. Before percolators, drips, powders, crystals, bags. Way back.