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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

One Person Really Can Make A Difference

Not content to watch a prime North Idaho mountain trail disintegrate, Jack O’Brien has stepped forward to rally volunteers to restore the nearly forgotten route to South Chilco Mountain. (See Routes: Classic Trips in the Inland Northwest on this page.)

“This mountain could be a quick escape for people from the Coeur d’Alene area, but the trail has eroded into a ditch,” he said.

O’Brien, who lives in Hayden Lake, could be relaxing and enjoying his retirement after 29 years with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management.

Instead, he worked several months last winter, meeting with Forest Service officials, then distributing flyers and making countless phone calls to organize a June work party.

The effort attracted 34 volunteers, including hikers and motorcyclists, who put in water bars to deter erosion, cleared brush from the route and re-routed new sections of trail around steep stretches.

O’Brien was there wielding a pick and shovel, too. But there’s still more work to do.

“We’ve got such a good start, it would be a shame not to finish this.” he said. “The Forest Service engineer has flagged a few more new sections and we need to put in a few more water bars.”

Former Targhee National Forest supervisor John Burns recently filled Idaho’s new seventh seat on the Fish and Game Commission.

The last Legislature approved adding a district and a commission representative for the residents of Custer and Lemhi counties. The commission guides Idaho Fish and Game Department policy and approves hunting and fishing seasons.

Mary Hoyt, angler and voice of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition, criticized the appointment, the fourth to be made by Gov. Phil Batt.

“It was apparent that wildlife played a small role in his forest management,” she said. “Under his management, 150,000 to 180,000 acres were clearcut in elk and bear habitat.”

However, Herb Pollard, who often disagreed with Burns when Pollard was a regional supervisor for Fish and Game, said Burns has the potential to be one of the best Fish and Game commissioners.

“We have a guy that is probably the most knowledgable resource manager that has ever been on the commission,” he said.

, DataTimes ILLUSTRATION: Photo

MEMO: This sidebar appeared with the story: Make a trail Volunteers are needed to help one more major work party to restore the South Chilco Trail. Workers will meet Saturday, 8 a.m., at the Fernan Ranger Station. Info: Jack O’Brien (208) 772 3412.

This sidebar appeared with the story: Make a trail Volunteers are needed to help one more major work party to restore the South Chilco Trail. Workers will meet Saturday, 8 a.m., at the Fernan Ranger Station. Info: Jack O’Brien (208) 772 3412.