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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

This Experience Speaks For Itself

Nancy Huseby Bloom

Dear Nancy: My husband was murdered three weeks ago. About one week ago, I had this dream and my depression lifted and I felt relieved and happy. I’d like your thoughts on it. - Grace

I am standing outside a big brick building with a large crowd of people. I hear excited chatting all around me. Suddenly we all proceed to enter the building and I find myself alone in a “visiting” room. My husband, David, comes into the room. We talk for a long time and discuss our 5-year-old son’s future and what school he will be attending in the fall. Throughout our conversation I continually ask, “But you are dead, right?” He keeps answering, “Yes, I am dead but we have this time together.” That question and his answer must have been repeated at least 10 times.

I tell Dave I will always love him and he says the same to me. I leave the building with the crowd of people I came with. I am so excited and happy about my visit with my husband that I try to tell someone next to me about it. Before I can speak, a woman next to me gently takes my arm, smiles, and says, “I know. Just don’t tell anyone.” At that point I realize that everyone was there to see someone who had died. Again, the excited, happy talking is all around me.

Dear Grace: This dream is the most realistic visitation dream I have ever heard. There seems to be a window of time after our loved ones die that they are able to contact us through dreams and visions.

To try to put an interpretation to this dream would be a disservice and detrimental to good dream work. It stands on its own as a profound affirmation of the breadth and scope of the spiritual world and of our ability to be in contact with it.

Tips for readers: How do we know if certain dreams are telepathic in nature? Currently, there’s no test, no real way we can prove that a connection between two people has actually been made.

Dream researchers and psychologists do agree, however, that people who are emotionally linked to each other are more likely to have shared psychic or telepathic experiences. These can come as shared dreams in which both dreamers have the same dream or in a “visitation” dream in which another person living or dead actually connects with another person on a psychic level.

Telepathic information shows up in many situations. Often a person will know that a loved one is in danger or feel a connection with their pain, either physically or emotionally.

During sleep, our rational and defensive minds relax, allowing information from outside sources to come in.

Our challenge as dream workers is to examine the dream from differing viewpoints. If your dream characters are people you know and have strong feelings about, be sure to ask yourself, “Could this dream be telepathic in nature? Am I receiving real information regarding this person?”

If your dream characters are unknown to you, most likely they represent parts of yourself.

The final answer is in the dreamer’s own mind. What is your “gut” feeling? Use your own intuition to determine the source and reason for the dream. Trust your deep inner self to be your guide.

, DataTimes MEMO: Nancy Huseby Bloom has studied dreams for 16 years. Dreams may be sent to her c/o The Spokesman-Review, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210-1615, or fax, (509) 459-5098. Please send a short summary of the circumstances in your life and include your name, address and phone number. Due to the volume of mail, Nancy is not able to use every dream. If your dream is not chosen for this column, you can have a personal phone consultation for $30 per dream. Dream work for use in this column is free.

Nancy Huseby Bloom has studied dreams for 16 years. Dreams may be sent to her c/o The Spokesman-Review, P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210-1615, or fax, (509) 459-5098. Please send a short summary of the circumstances in your life and include your name, address and phone number. Due to the volume of mail, Nancy is not able to use every dream. If your dream is not chosen for this column, you can have a personal phone consultation for $30 per dream. Dream work for use in this column is free.