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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Here Is That Address Again

Ann Landers Creators Syndicate

Dear Ann Landers: I want to thank you for publishing the address last February for “Any Service Member” serving in Bosnia in support of Operation Joint Endeavor. The response has been overwhelming.

I am a Marine Corps helicopter pilot, 38 and single, presently serving on the USS Guam in the Adriatic Sea off the coast of Bosnia. This is my fourth overseas deployment. We have really enjoyed reading the letters that we have received from your readers, Ann. None of us had ever seen anything like it. Our ship received so much mail that hundreds of letters were passed out throughout the ship to each department. Eighty percent of the letters are from people who said they wrote because they read in your column that it was the patriotic thing to do.

I have received letters from a college student in Sacramento, a professional woman in Lansing, Mich., whose letters are really funny, and an avid skier from Vail, Colo., and I have been “adopted” by a second-grade class in Bala-Cynwyd, Pa.

There are so many letters that responding to all of them is going to be impossible, but I intend to write to those with whom I feel a common tie. Despite having lots of family and friends to write and send treats, it has been fun reading through all these letters and becoming acquainted with new people. And it’s wonderful that so many folks have such kind hearts in the right place and are so supportive of us.

In short, Ann, I wanted to thank you for printing the address in your column and let you know it has brought lots of smiles to our faces. When you are at sea for weeks (or months), a little mail can make a big difference. - Major Greg Mislick, USMC

Dear Maj. Mislick: Thank you for a very generous letter. And now, several readers have asked me to repeat the address, so here it is again:

For Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps land forces, write to:

Any Service Member

Operation Joint Endeavor

APO AE 09397

For Navy and Marine Corps personnel aboard ship, write to:

Any Service Member

Operation Joint Endeavor

APO AE 09398

Dear Ann Landers: The letter from “Palm Desert” prompted me to write. She was upset because her husband had propositioned her daughter (his stepdaughter) after he’d had a slight stroke.

Ann, I’ve been there. When my husband had a stroke and began to behave strangely, my neurologist recognized that the sexual center had been affected and was causing his uncharacteristic behavior.

Of course, such behavior should not be tolerated, but it needs to be understood. The man knows what he is doing, but he has trouble controlling himself. His wife should confront him and let him know it is inappropriate. But she will have to watch him like a hawk. He will still try to touch women whenever he gets the chance. Her friends need to put him in his place if this happens, but they should understand that he’s not himself. I put up with this for 12 years and wish “Palm Desert” lots of luck. She will need it. - Chicago Reader

Dear Reader: Thank you for a new spin on the subject. Your letter will be a great gift to the wives who are living with this nightmare.