Letters To The Editor
Thanks to Scout leaders
Girl Scouting has been in existence since 1912.
Through the years the Girl Scout program has offered girls the opportunity to learn life long skills that enable them to become valuable citizen of our country.
We must have leaders who will prepare the girls for the responsibilities and challenges of our changing society.
Girl Scout Inland Empire Council is very fortunate to have these volunteers. They give of their time and expertise sometimes at the expensive of their own families and work.
April 22 is Girl Scout Leader Day and I would like to thank all the leaders for their commitment to Girl Scouting. Thank You! June Sine Spokane Valley
A dirty trick by Donahue
Do you wonder as I do why the Spokane County Auditor Bill Donahue didn’t use the write-in vote on any of the school, general or primary elections over the past two years if as he says it is such a money saving device?
It seems to me that he has joined the city of Spokane in trying every possible dirty trick to sabotage the elections for our Valley cities. I hope that the voters will see this for what it is and will show these nay-sayers once and for all that we in this Valley have the right to govern ourselves by an overwhelming yes vote for both proposed cities.
You can bet that the city of Spokane is not going to let this vote happen without trying every trick in the book to stop us because they are drooling over the prospect of getting their hands into our “tax rich pockets.” If you don’t believe this, just remember the city-county charter in which over $300,000 was spent trying to allow Spokane to take over not only the Valley but the entire county.
In World War II the cry was “Remember Pearl Harbor.” Our cry should be “Remember the Charter.” You can safely bet that Spokane will keep trying until they get us unless we finally decide to incorporate and rule ourselves.
My wife and I live in Otis Orchards outside of the proposed cities. However we would like to annex to the city if it is formed. Loyd Petersen Otis Orchards
When is enough enough?
So now we get to wait until September to hopefully vote down incorporation again.
I sure wish the meaning of no meant NO.
When will enough be enough or is this going to constantly keep coming back like a bad dream? Sure the people who are for incorporation were upset about the mail-in vote. But let’s get real. You don’t have to be too bright to see what they are trying to do this time.
Yes it is because of too many uninformed voters. They wanted a quiet, low-key vote (the fewer people that know about it the fewer that will vote against it) and a lot of people WOULD be uninformed - uninformed that it is even going to be on the ballot again.
If it passed, is that the way they will run the city? Sneak thing by and tell only those that want it? That’s the American way! Nancy Goehri Veradale