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Two Garden Favorites In One Delicious Dish

Betty Rosbottom Los Angeles Times Service

Recently on Cape Cod, we enjoyed a wonderful meal that took less than an hour to assemble because each person in our party worked on a different dish.

One was in charge of boiling lobsters, another shucked and steamed corn on the cob, two people prepared a delicious tossed salad and I made a dish of cooked zucchini with tomatoes. Dessert was simply scoops of frozen yogurt mounded with fresh raspberries and blueberries.

Although I had composed my zucchini and tomato contribution without a recipe, our friends liked the dish well enough to ask for the directions before we left them.

Good served either warm or at room temperature, this vegetable melange is made by sauteing onions, zucchini and garlic together, then adding seasonings of basil, thyme and red pepper flakes. Italian-style canned tomatoes (which work better than fresh ones in this preparation) complete the mixture, which is simmered until tender.

Although we ate the vegetables warm with the seafood, we enjoyed leftovers cold the next day for lunch. Excellent with the shellfish, the zucchini would be equally good offered with grilled chicken or lamb.

Hot or Cold Zucchini with Tomatoes and Onions

3 tablespoons olive oil

3 cups chopped onions (about 2 large)

2-1/4 pounds small zucchini, trimmed, cut into 1/4-inch rounds

1-1/2 tablespoons finely chopped garlic

4 teaspoons dried basil

1 teaspoon dried thyme

1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes, plus more if desired

1 (35-ounce) can Italian-style tomatoes, coarsely chopped, with juice

Dash sugar

Salt, freshly ground black pepper

Fresh basil leaves for garnish, optional

Heat oil in large heavy skillet over medium heat. When hot, add onions and saute, stirring constantly, 2 minutes. Add zucchini. Cook and stir 4 to 5 minutes more.

Add garlic, dried basil, thyme and 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes. Stir well. Add tomatoes and 3/4 cup juice from can (add water if not enough). Sprinkle with dash of sugar and generous amount of salt and pepper.

Bring mixture to simmer. Reduce heat and cook until almost all liquid has evaporated, 10 to 15 minutes. Taste and season again with salt, pepper and small dash of red pepper flakes for spicier taste.

To serve, mound zucchini and tomatoes in bowl or on platter. Garnish with cluster of fresh basil leaves. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Yield: 6 servings.
