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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Querna Earned Chance

Anne Windishar/For The Editorial

Spokane schools run smoothly in part because of people like Christie Querna.

A tireless volunteer, Querna has spent the last 12 years making education better in Spokane - as a classroom volunteer, as a PTA president, as chairwoman of two District 81 citizen advisory boards. Now, Querna hopes to apply her experience and unmatched dedication to the district’s board of directors. We believe voters should give her that chance.

Querna’s priorities are school safety, high standards and goals and effective communication between school and home. The district will continue to be challenged in coming years on all of those issues and others. Querna can help tackle them. She’s a bright, nononsense person, an independent thinker.

Her opponent, Rocco Treppiedi, suggests the board could benefit from some geographical diversity, given its 4-to-1 South Hill majority. It’s a good point, but not one that outweighs Querna’s considerably greater experience and involvement in the schools.

, DataTimes The following fields overflowed: SUPCAT = EDITORIAL, ENDORSEMENT, COLUMN - Our View CREDIT = Anne Windishar/For the editorial board