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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

School Boards To Meet

The Post Falls school board will consider two innovative proposals and hold a budget hearing Monday night.

One proposal is to start a before- and after-school child care program at the schools. The board will decide whether to try the program for a year starting next fall.

Proponents of the idea say it will be self-supporting and will not unfairly compete with other area day-care businesses. The program would be modeled after the Coeur d’Alene School District’s School Plus program.

The other proposal is to create three distinct elementary schools within the district, each having its own philosophy.

One school would be a strict “academy” style school; another would employ all the latest teaching methods and theories; and the third would be unchanged from the present. Parents would be able to choose which school they want their children to attend.

In addition to holding a budget hearing and approving next year’s budget, the board will consider raising school lunches by 5 cents.

The meeting begins at 7 p.m. in the Post Falls High School cafeteria.

At Lakeland, summer construction projects and long-range plans are on the agenda Monday night.

A school facility committee will discuss its report and recommendations. School officials say the junior high and Garwood Elementary schools are starting to feel the squeeze of increasing enrollment.

The junior high is expecting at least 40 more students next year, even without new families moving into the district.

The board will also be asked to approve an emergency closure for June 6, when the power failed at the high school.

The meeting begins at 7 p.m. in the administration office.

, DataTimes