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Johnson To Leyritz: Bring It On

Larry Larue Tacoma News Tribune

Randy Johnson had spent 48 hours listening to Jim Leyritz explain on ESPN just what he intended to do the next time he encountered the Big Unit - even if he had to track him down in public.

Friday, Johnson offered Leyritz advice on technique.

“Don’t try to intimidate an intimidator,” Johnson said. “I’m the intimidator - he’s the intimidatee.”

Two days after one of his pitches ran up and in on the New York catcher, hitting Leyritz on the forearm and cheek, Seattle’s ace had heard enough, read enough and had enough of Leyritz and his threats. He was tired of watching clips of he and Jack McDowell yelling at each other near the Kingdome mound.

“It’s easy to scream at somebody when there are 12 people between you,” Johnson explained. “Then as soon as the crowd thins and you can walk right up to somebody, they get real quiet.

“Jack screamed at me the way I screamed at Steve Howe after he hit Felix Fermin the night before,” Johnson said. “It was in the heat of the moment. I have no ill feelings toward McDowell. He didn’t send me a Christmas card and I didn’t send him one. But if he ever needs a drummer to sit in on one of his recording sessions, I’d love to.” As for Leyritz, Johnson had another piece of advice.

“If you’re going to chirp, do something about it. I’m easy to find - I’m 60 feet, 6 inches away from home plate. Or send someone to get me in the clubhouse. I’ll meet you face to face, anywhere. Don’t go on ESPN and say you’re going to track me down in public - my wife and family watch that and I don’t appreciate it.

“Maybe we should settle it like they did in the 1600s, with swords or dueling pistols at 10 paces.

“I’d be happy to meet him in a dark alley or on the mound at 1 a.m. I’ll meet at high noon in Times Square. Maybe we should bill it like one of those World Wrestling Federation things.”

M’s manager Lou Piniella hopes the headlines quiet - though one of the writers Johnson talked to Friday was from the New York Post.

“Let’s just play baseball and forget about it,” Piniella said. “Everybody forgets. The Yankees didn’t say a word the night before when Howe, who has much better control than Randy, hit Felix Fermin.

“If they try to retaliate in New York, then we will retaliate. We’re not going to let them hit our hitters and say, ‘That’s unfortunate.”’

As for Johnson and Leyritz, they will meet again June 10 at Yankee Stadium, when Johnson starts.