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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

UI Search Committee To Be Diverse

Associated Press

All constituency groups at the University of Idaho need to be included in the search for a new president, search committee chairmen say.

The committee must be representative, said former Sen. James McClure, but he and co-chairman Roy Mosman want the committee to be manageable. “My prediction is there will be about 20 people on the committee,” Mosman said.

McClure was named to the search committee by the state Board of Education and Mosman is a member of the education board.

Elisabeth Zinser left the school June 30 for the University of Kentucky at Lexington. Former Provost Thomas Bell is interim president.

Mosman and McClure said they will decide committee membership in the next few weeks and submit the list to the Board of Education for approval.

Members probably will include faculty, staff, students, alumni and business leaders. McClure said some meetings will have to be in Moscow. The search panel has to be involved with faculty and students. “And you can’t do that long distance,” he said.

Once the search committee is formed, a job description will be developed, with nationwide advertising. McClure said the committee probably will meet before fall. The search process is expected to take a year.