Births recorded in the Spokane area during the 24-hour period ending at 1 p.m. Feb. 1, 1995:
Sacred Heart
Monroe - To Terri and Don Monroe, Edwall, Wash., twin girls.
Leuschel - To Teresa and Kevin Leuschel, Spokane, twins (boy and girl).
Holy Family
Hyde - To Laura and Todd Hyde, Spokane, girl.
Kelly - To Bethany and Kevin Kelly, Spokane, girl.
LaBrie-Radmer - To Shelly LaBrie and Jammie Radmer, Spokane, boy.
Pollard - To Georgia and Louis Pollard, Spokane, girl.
Anderson - To Laurinda and Sean Anderson, Spokane, girl.
Benegar - To Sandra and Joel Benegar, Spokane, boy.
Hansen - To Tammy and Jeff Hansen, Loon Lake, Wash., boy.
Rembold - To Brenda and Stacy Rembold, Spokane, girl.
Valley Hospital and Medical Center
Treadwell - To Stephanie and Corey Treadwell, Newman Lake, girl (Jan. 30).