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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Tampa Bay Bucs Owners Silent

Compiled From Wire Services

While the NFL and Cleveland mayor Michael White scoffed at reports of a Buccaneers’ move to Cleveland, Tampa Bay owner Malcolm Glazer and his family remained silent.

Despite repeated opportunities, the Glazer family refused to shoot down widespread media reports that they might move the Buccaneers to Cleveland in time for the 1996 season and rename them the Browns.

Quarterback Chris Chandler of the Houston Oilers, who has been ailing for two weeks and lost 10 pounds, was diagnosed Friday with mononucleosis.

The Supreme Court said it will hear a case involving the NFL and decide whether unions can file antitrust suits against employers who impose work rules after a bargaining impasse.

The court will consider reinstating a $30.3 million judgment won, and then lost, by rookie players after the NFL set rookie salaries at $1,000 per week in 1989. The Supreme Court probably will hear arguments in March and rule by July.