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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


Births recorded in the Spokane area during the 24-hour period ending at 1 p.m. Dec. 7, 1995:


Aubree Lynn Winnett - To Michael Winnett and Brandy Bell of Greenacres. She weighed 6 lbs 5 oz. and was 18-1/2 inches long.

Janice Elaine Smith - To Kenny and Suzanne Smith, of Spokane. She weighed 8 lb. 11-1/2 and was 20 inches long.

Hank K. Schmoock - To Michael and Sonja Schmoock of Spokane. He weighed 7 lb. 3 oz. and was 20 inches long.

Monique Nicole Greene - To Raul Robinson and Lori Greene of Spokane. She weighed 7 lb. 7-1/2 oz. and was 19-1/2 inches long.

Donovan Shane Locher - To Cimmeron Locher and Andrea Comer of Ritzville, Wash. He weighed 5 lb. and was 18-1/2 inches long.

Timothy Jay Allen Impecoven - To Melissa Impecoven of Spokane. He weighed 7 lb. 13 oz. and was 19-1/2 inches long.

Jessie Thomas Miller - To John and Michelle Miller of Spokane. He weighed 7 lb. 14 oz. and was 20 inches long (Dec. 5).

Joshua Kaleb Briggs - To Atom and Sonjo Briggs of Spokane. He weighed 8 lb. 5-1/2 oz. and was 21-1/2 inches long.

Sacred Heart

Hannah Elizabeth Simpson - To Ted and Amy Simpson of Spokane. She weighed 7 lb. 7 oz. and was 20-1/2 inches long.

Sparaco - A son to Tony and Tamara Sparaco of Spokane. He weighed 7 lb. 6 oz. and was 20 inches long.

Brooks - A daughter to Scott and Dawnell Brooks of Greenacres. She weighed 8 lb. 7 oz.(Dec. 4).

Phillips - A daughter to Carey and Sandra Phillips of Spokane. She weighed 7 lb. 2 oz. and was 19 inches long.

Brendan James McClary - To Shane and Kathleen McClary of Spokane. He weighed 6 lb. 3-1/4 oz. and was 20 inches long(Dec. 5).

Kenneth Alexander Wirtz - To Ken and Sandra Wirtz of Spokane. He weighed 7 lb. 8 oz. and was 20 inches long (Dec. 5).

, DataTimes