Kirk Johnson and Ray Troll met in the late 1980s, unknowing that each other’s skills would take them over 5,000 miles throughout the country to create a book about fossil education.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, some would argue. And Rosie’s Restaurant knows exactly how important that first meal is. So before the classic diner opened late last month, general manager Tim Raridan made sure all of its recipes were the best options available for hungry customers.
After decades of standing outside of Dick’s Hamburgers, asking for change for a burger and greeting everyone as they walked by, Vinny Piper decided to celebrate his 57th birthday at the food stand he loves most.
PULLMAN – April was just the beginning of construction in downtown, leaving local businesses to fend for themselves with limited space to bring in customers.
Federal and local police arrested a man wanted on suspicion of attempted murder after he skipped his trial for two other domestic violence incidents two years ago.
After winning the second season of “The Amazing Race,” Alex Boylan could not stay away from television series documenting his travels. So when his niece wanted to tour colleges throughout the country, he came up with the idea for “The College Tour.”