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Sports >  Seattle Mariners

Mariners analysis: What options are left at first base?

Dec. 23—It's almost too easy. The cliches around the holiday season are aplenty to describe the Mariners offseason moves or lack thereof. Take your pick: Mariners getting nothin' for Christmas Santa forgot about Seattle No presents for Jerry Dipoto and Justin Hollander. The Grinch who stole all the first baseman But the organization's continued refusal to invest in player payroll and the ...
Sports >  Seattle Mariners

Commentary: Skeptical the Mariners will make a splash this winter? It’s warranted.

It's December, which means spring training is still two months away and that rosters are far from filled. To view the just-wrapped-up winter meetings through the lens of finality would be premature. Plenty of signings can and will occur in the coming weeks. Same goes for trades. But if you're a Mariners fan, you have every right to be stewing in your seat thinking "same old M's."