Your Outdoor Photos: May 2022
The Inland Northwest is full of flora, fauna, waters, scenery and active people out to savor it all. Please visit this gallery regularly to share photos of your wild experiences, learning moments, hot discoveries, favorite trips. Help us build a visual tour of what's so great about the outdoors in this region through all four seasons. This photo gallery will be an inspiration to some people. To others it will be a reminder of why we love to live here – and get outside as much as possible.
NOTE: Before photos show up in the reader photo gallery, they must be approved by an editor. If yours does not show up immediately, fear not. The only likely delay is that an editor has not had a chance to approve new photo submissions yet. Thanks for participating!
Section:Reader Photo
Photos in This Album
Robin splash-splashing, taking a bath, cooling down in the summer heat. Usk, July, 2022
Photographer: Nia Patton
Trifecta-American white pelicans taking a rest from fishing. They are voracious eaters that will form large groups and herd fish until they all dip their mouths in the water and hope for the best. They are very effective with this method. Taken 6/20 at a pond near Fish Lake Trail in Cheney
Photographer: Rich Zywiak
I photographed this yellow-headed black bird at Slavin Lake County Park June 16-22 while he was in the marsh weeds along the waters edge. Their song is reminiscent of a rusty hinge. They are very gregarious and in goodly numbers at present along the lakes edge.The park is located about four miles south of Hatch Road on SR-195 turning left onto Washington Road. The lake has recovered from the drought and is once again a complete body of water.Image captured with a Canon R5 camera, w/ 600 mm lens and a 1.4 tele-converter.
Photographer: Jerry Rolwes
Is it clear out there yet? Mrs. Chippy looking for sunshine.
Photographer: Angela Marie
Courtship feeding between Cedar Waxwings. The male and female will hop back and forth taking turns touching bills. The male will then offer the female a delicacy of a flower petal, insect or piece of fruit. After initially accepting the offering she will hop a short distance away then quickly close the gap and pass it back to the male. Finally after this dance is repeated several times the female will swallow the morsel. Spring love near Hauser.
Photographer: Angela Marie
Storms rolling towards Spokane Sunday evening (June 5th). Taken on Hwy 28 looking south, 4 miles east of Odessa.
Photographer: Sheena Black
Starlings have been nesting in an old willow tree in our backyard for years. I caught these four while waiting for their parents to feed them. By the next morning they had all flown the nest.
Photographer: Darlene Lawson
Eastern Kingbird with a Four-Spotted Skimmer dragonfly in its mouth. Taken May 23rd near Hauser Lake.
Photographer: Ronald A. Oriti
Longleaf Phlox near Dry Falls Lake at Sun Lakes Dry Falls State Park on May 4th.
Photographer: Steve Davidson
May 4th at the Sun Lakes Dry Falls State Park overlook.
Photographer: Steve Davidson
Slavin Conservation Area taken 5/3/22
Photographer: Mary Weathers
Lazuli Bunting taken May 15, 2022 by Tim Villard in Spokane Valley
Photographer: Tim Villard
Lazuli Bunting taken by Tim Villard on Sunday May 15, 2022 in Spokane Valley.
Photographer: Tim Villard
Arrowleaf balsamroot in full bloom on the trails at Beacon Hill. May 11, 2020.
Photographer: Lisa Giegel
A Robin with leucism spotted at McKenzie Conservation Area on Newman Lake, WA on Friday, May 13, 2022. About 1 in 30,000 Robins have this genetic condition that interferes with the pigmentation of their feathers.
Photographer: Gen Heywood
This Tree Swallow was just about to take flight in Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge on Tuesday May 10th.
Photographer: Tami Sanborn
The Great Egret is the symbol of the National Audubon Society. This beautiful bird has an impressive wingspan which was in full display at Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge on Tuesday May 10th.
Photographer: Terry Sanborn
The Great Egret is the Sybol of The National Audubon Society. We were thrilled to see this beautiful bird at Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge on Tuesday May 10th.
Photographer: Terry Sanborn
I visit Turnbull Refuge at least once a week. Yesterday, Wednesday, I went late and drove the circle drive and encountered nothing. Leaving the park, I did come upon this herd of lady elk. Other vehicles also showed interest and distracted them from looking directly at me. It was a fun photo moment. "Good evening ladies.
Photographer: Jerry Rolwes
Starting a Family May 9, 2022 Little Spokane River
Photographer: Gary Miller
Late afternoon in early May and this House Finch landed among the blossoms. (Spokane Valley)
Photographer: Terry Sanborn
A brief returned surprise of Black-necked Stilts. Such a delicate looking shorebird that has the second-longest legs in proportion to their bodies of any bird, exceeded only by flamingos. According to Cornell Ornithology and Audubon Society these birds stopping near Hauser are outside their usual migration wintering and breeding area and would be considered a "vagrant' or "accidental" One lucky morning near Hauser Lake.
Photographer: Angela Marie
I have watched this mother Great Horned Owl for about five weeks. She nests in a cottonwood tree in the west plains and the branches create difficulties to achieve a good image of her. But I knew she had owlets. When I reviewed the proofs I discovered a little one was checking me out! Or was he playing Peek-A-Boo?
Photographer: Jerry Rolwes
Duckling at Manito Park
Photographer: Jane McDonald
Yellow Headed Black Bird at Saltese Flats Conservation area waters Saturday April 30th...........Scarce on ducks.......they were very flighty and not wanting photos of them !!
Photographer: Mike Forster
The Saltese Flats Conservation Area Trail seems to float on the wetlands. I walked it at the end of April in a rain shower and enjoyed every minute of it.
Photographer: Melaine Williams
This is a picture of Ruby Ave taken today 29 April 2022. Rudy is lined with blooming trees on both sides of the road from Desmet Ave to Foothills Dr. My iPhone says this is 1.2 miles in length. My wife and I drove this yesterday and she said, "I could never imagine I would call Ruby St. beautiful." Get out and enjoy.
Photographer: Tom Bauer
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