Photos in This Album
Rebuilding the summer home. An Osprey returns to its nest with a branch in West Central Spokane. They have just returned from spending the winter in warmer areas in California and Mexico.
Photographer: Rich Zywiak
A female belted kingfisher scanning the pond at Cannon Hill Park in the rain. Photo taken 3/27/24
Photographer: Rich Zywiak
A female belted kingfisher begins her dive at Cannon Hill park. She’s a regular visitor there, easy to spot with her rat a tat tat call. Photo taken 3/27/24
Photographer: Rich Zywiak
A juvenile bald eagle fishing in the rain at Higgens Point, Lake Coeur d’Alene. Taken 1/6/24.
Photographer: Rich Zywiak
A pair of bald eagles scan Lake Coeur D’Alene for their next meal of Kokanee salmon. Taken 12/30/23 at Higgens Point.
Photographer: Rich Zywiak
A bald eagle shows off its catch at Higgens Point in Coeur D’Alene. Taken 12/30/23
Photographer: Rich Zywiak
Mother Nature’s Christmas tree decorations. A group of bald eagles high above Lake Coeur D’Alene as seen from the Coeur D’Alene eagle cruise. You can see hundreds of them but only from the cruise. They are not congregating at Higgens Point this year. Taken December 16.
Photographer: Rich Zywiak
this was a piece of bark found on Cliff Dr. the day after Halloween. The tree just trying to set the mood.
Photographer: Paul Piper
A male wood ducks swims in the fall light with a great blue heron in the foreground. Canon Hill Park Oct. 9.
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
I trio of wood ducks in the fall light. Canon Hill Park Oct 9.
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
Wood duck couple gives a little peck, affection, preening help (take your choice) in the fall light. Canon Hill Park Oct. 10
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
A wood duck couple rests in the golden light of fall. Canon Hill Park Oct. 10.
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
Large cow moose munches on leaves amongst the aspens. Little Spokane River natural area on Oct 7.
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
A beaver brings some brush back to its wooden home. Photo taken on the Spokane River early October.
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
Indian Runner ducks at Manito Park make fast friends with a local mallard. Did someone just let these domestic ducks loose? Photo taken Oct 9.
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
Porcupine rubbing noses in a ponderosa pine as part of their interesting and sometimes hours long mating ritual. Photo was taken outside of Colfax on September 28
Photographer: Richard Landers
A group of curious otters at the Columbia Plateau Trail State Park in Cheney. Taken 9/30/23
Photographer: Rich Zywiak
A group of curious otters at the Columbia Plateau Trail State Park in Cheney. Taken 9/30/23
Photographer: Rich Zywiak
Indian Runners racing to the pond at Manito Park. 10/4/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Indian Runner duck at Manito Pond. 10/4/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
73% waning moon
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
the Sharp-shinned Hawk, the smallest hawk in Canada and the U.S., almost hidden except for it's watchful eye.
Photographer: Nia Patton
Cow moose and her calves along shoreline on Kepple Lake. Turnbull Wildlife Refuge. 10/2/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
I turned around for one last look before my hike ended and was thrilled to see this on my final day of hiking in the Methow Valley. Riser Lake Loop Trail in Winthrop, WA, September 27, 2023.
Photographer: Lisa Giegel
A tomato snack near Audubon Park
Photographer: Kaileen Kersting
Just a sparrow well not quite here is a White -throated sparrow they have a very striking head pattern the fall migration is on so watch the different sparrows that might be in your part of the woods.
Taken Sept 29 2023 west of Cheney.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
Waning harvest moon
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Full super harvest moon setting in the west early this morning.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
I found the Spokesman page for the May 2023 images. How do I submit a photo for a future edition? What is the url or email address? We have some pretty darn good wildlife images we would like to share. The attached not being one of them.
Thanks. My text number is below.
Photographer: Robert Richardson
Hunting at our koi pond
Photographer: Katheryn Duncan
Great Blue Heron preening among the fall colors of the Yellow Pond-Lily. Photographed on Hauser Lake early morning in late September from my kayak.
Photographer: Angela Marie Slotten
The fall classic is underway on the Turnbull wildlife refuge this fine bull moose looking for ladies.
Taken Sept 25 2023.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
Short-billed Gull at Saltese Wetlands on September 20th.
Photographer: Terry Sanborn
Looking for his lady. Image taken at Turnbull Refuge 09-25-23
Photographer: Jerry R O L W E S
White-crowned Sparrow at Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge on September 23rd.
Photographer: Tami Sanborn
White crowned sparrow in my backyard (they're migrating through this area right now).
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
This fin fellow is on the move, lookin for love. With the days getting shorter and the air with a nip in it the big boys are going into rut. He was in the Marshall wetlands in mid September.
Photographer: Melaine Williams
A very nice Mule deer buck in with his girl friends on the Bison range.
Taken September 20 2023
On the Bison range
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
A fine looking Black bear came out to greet my wife and I as we entered the Bison range in Montana berries are on and the bears will be in the berry patches getting ready for the winter that is to follow.
Taken September 20 2023
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
Here is what is called a real hat rack that this Whitetail deer was sporting on the Bison range in Montana last Thursday evening.
Taken September 21 2023
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
A trip to the Bison Range this time of year is always a lot of fun and you can find some nice critters also like this Bull elk.
Taken on the Bison Range in Montana September 20 2023
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
Cow moose and a calf along the Spokane River at Seven Mile. 9/20/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Bull Moose taking a break along the Spokane River at Seven Mile.
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Happy moose day! Found this momma moose and her two babies in mid September along the Columbia Plateau Trail out of the Fish Lake trailhead.
Photographer: Melaine Williams
Hanging out to dry and waving summer goodbye. Cormorants, unlike ducks, don't have as much preening oil so they need to air-dry their feathers. They are expert divers going to depths of 150 feet. Photographed on Hauser Lake from my kayak.
Photographer: Angela Marie Slotten
Tippie, Australian Shepherd, cooling off after herding sheep, 9-16-2023
Photographer: Nia Patton
Shepherdess and her Australian Shepherd herding sheep through the gate at trials, Moon Creek Farm, Pend Oreille County, 9-16-2023
Photographer: Nia Patton
Ring-billed Gull at Saltese Wetlands on September 16th.
Photographer: Terry Sanborn
Turkey Vulture Totem Pole. Morning wing-spreading can be used to absorb solar energy to raise their body temperature and to dry their wings. Spokane River 9/14/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Painted turtle at Sacheen Lake early September.
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
Anybody seen my fish? Osprey looking for kokanee it dove for. Hayden Lake 9/10/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Pelicans fishing, Pend Oreille River, 9-11-2023
Photographer: Nia Patton
Osprey feeding on Kokanee Salmon at Honeysuckle Beach, Hayden Lake Idaho.
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Seeing double. Fawns at Turnbull Wildlife Refuge. 9/11/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Tundra Swan at Turnbull Wildlife Refuge. 9/11/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Hawk moth I discovered while working along the path on the south side of my house earlier this morning.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
A juvenile Osprey returning to her Kendall Yards nest with a meal. Life Center Church in the background. Taken 9/10/23
Photographer: Rich Zywiak
Cow Moose with her new calf at Turnbull wildlife refuge. 9/10/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Osprey picking up lunch (Kokanee Salmon) at Honeysuckle Beach, Hayden Lake Idaho. Bucket list afternoon. 9/10/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
River Otter near Hauser playing in the duckweed. Early morning in September.
Photographer: Angela Marie Slotten
Copper's hawk checking me out in the backyard.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Copper's hawk checking me out in the backyard.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Copper's hawk in my backyard this afternoon.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
A River Otter coming in to shore holding a fish in their mouth, Pend Oreille River, 9-9-23
Photographer: Nia Patton
Juvenile California Quail
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Juvenile California Quail
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Praying mantis hanging out in the day lilies
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Great blue heron Spokane River near Nine Mile Falls on Sept 2.
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
Blue Heron surfing on a log. Spokane River near Nine Mile. 9/6/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Two turtles resting on a log in the Pend Oreille River. One of the turtles is exhibiting scute shedding of shell segments that can happen every one to five years. 9-5-23
Photographer: Nia Patton
Squirrel with his mouth full of Hawthorne berries, Usk, WA 9-5-23
Photographer: Nia Patton
A strange group. A red tailed hawk perches on a bald eagle statue on the West Plains of Spokane. Taken 9/2/23
Photographer: Rich Zywiak
Giant red hibiscus
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
A very young Coyote pup gives me a long last look before diving into the brush.
Taken on Turnbull wildlife refuge September 4 2023
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
Squirrel relaxing on top of a fence post.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Blue Heron and friends spending a little time on the Spokane River. 9/2/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
1st of September morning rising, Pend oreille River
Photographer: Nia Patton
Enjoying a little "island time". Heron on Little Spokane River. 8/31/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Mountain goat on Mt. Fremont Lookout trail at Mt. Rainier National Park. Both female and males have slim black horns while the males' horns thicken and curl backwards as the goat ages. Mountain goats are native to the park. August morning on one of the best trails in the park.
Photographer: Angela Marie Slotten
Cormorant perched above Spokane River near Nine Mile. 8/29/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Coming in for a landing. Ducks on Spokane River near Seven Mile. 8/29/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
The Robin has first bath at the local birdbath while the Thrush takes advantage of the splash, Usk, WA, August 29th
Photographer: Nia Patton
A Robin and a Thrush discussing bath times at the local bird bath, Usk, WA, August 29th
Photographer: Nia Patton
Came across a dozen turkeys this morning walking at the Little Spokane River Natural Area. 8/26/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Came across a dozen turkeys this morning walking at the Little Spokane River Natural Area. 8/26/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
This photo of a long horned owl was taken a few years back in a tree in our backyard. I live in Moses Lake.
Photographer: Doreen McGraw
Seeing Double no just two beautiful Whitetail fawns they are probably 4 months old mom was near by just out of the frame.
Taken on the Turnbull wildlife refuge August 25 2023
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W. A.
Norma's rose
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Smoke cloud coming up from the Elk Fire August 18.
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
Smoky sun and barn scene off Hwy 2 at the start of the Elk Fire on August 18.
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
Osprey flying overhead at Spokane River near Seven Mile. 8/23/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Mallard duck taking flight. Spokane River near Seven Mile. 8/23/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Sunrise following yesterday's rain.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Preying Mantis possibly changed color due to heat, Usk, WA, August 18th
Photographer: Steve Patton
Photo taken at Saltese Flats Refuge in the Spo Valley a week ago. The shore birds are "black-necked stilts. They were with us for only 30 minutes and then flew west.
Photographer: Jerry Rolwes
As we watched the sun set over the smoky Marshall Wetlands we reflected on how lucky we were that another day had gone by without the flames turning our direction and mourned for those not so lucky. Our thanks to the brave men and woman fighting this angry beast.
Photographer: Melaine Williams
Sun setting in the western sky. Air quality improved from hazardous to unhealthy to breath.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Mallard ducks taking flight into the smoke filled sunlight, Pend Oreille River, August 20th
Photographer: Nia Patton
Sun in the western sky as wildfires burn around Spokane.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Mr Squirrel trying to keep cool in our backyard oak tree, Spokane Valley Aug 18th
Photographer: Larry Sunderland
Cheney July 24, 2023
Photographer: Laurelle Gerber
Brilliant sunrise due to smoke from wildfires
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Female squirrel resting in the maple tree
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Mr Rabbit trying to cool off in our backyard today, Aug 15th
Photographer: Larry Sunderland
A Pine Siskin taking a drink in the afternoon heat on August 16th, Usk, WA
Photographer: Nia Patton
Osprey with his lunch and a Heron perched in the trees overlooking the Spokane River near Seven Mile. 8/15/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Osprey with his lunch, Spokane River near Seven Mile. 8/15/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Baby wood ducks pecking at each other when mom isn't looking. Little Spokane River on August 12.
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
Squirrel hiding its fruit while relaxing in a maple tree
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Young bull moose in profile. Little Spokane River August 7.
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
Young bull moose getting his greens from the river. Little Spokane River on August 7.
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
Cow moose and a calf that is getting larger. Little Spokane River on August 7.
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
A lone Canada goose appears to be standing on its shadow surrounded by light along the banks of the Pend Oreille River, August 10th
Photographer: Nia Patton
the second year a sunflower seed, possibly planted by a nuthatch, has bloomed in the bark of this tree. August 6th, Usk, WA
Photographer: Nia Patton
Canada geese landing at Saltese Wetlands on August 7th.
Photographer: Terry Sanborn
Female Bumblebee collecting pollen all over herself and packing it into the corbicula on her tibia while taking her fill on clover. July 6th, Usk, WA
Photographer: Nia Patton
I took this photo of a raccoon climbing a tree in a marshy area off Southeast Blvd and 25th in early July.
Photographer: Kathy Myers
The somber scene of firefighters still cleaning up several after the recent fires in Dishman Hills Natural Area. It’s a stark reminder that we need to take care of our natural spaces. Thank you to the hardworking people protecting our public lands in so many ways. August 7, 2023
Photographer: Lisa Giegel
Alex, the tree topper, framed by a sun dog and sunshine. August 4th, Usk, WA
Photographer: Nia Patton
Honeybee looking for pollen on petunia. Suncrest 8/3/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Honeybee visiting petunia. Suncrest 8/3/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
This momma Osprey was trying everything she could think of to coax her baby off the wires above the Spokane River near Kendall Yards. He was having none of it, he was still sitting there when I headed back.
Photographer: Melaine Williams
Great Blue Heron portrait, w/ tongue out- avian version of panting on a hot day.
Plese Flats, July 31
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
Juvenile mergansers nicely lined up on a log, family portrait style.
Plese Flats, July 31
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
Male California Quail
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Western Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly in Spokane Valley WA. on July 15TH
Photographer: Terry Sanborn
Pink Impatiens
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Norma's rose
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Tulip clematis
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
African daisy
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Carpet rose
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Hosta flowers
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Honeybee and milkweed
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
I was surprised to learn that fishing is allowed in the pond in the Saltese Flats Conservation Area. They were catching very small large mouth bass in this the last few days of July.
Photographer: Melaine Williams
There is nothing like having thistle for breakfast I stopped for awhile to watch Chipmunks feeding on thistle very amusing as the plants are not strong enough to support their weight and they would keep falling off.
Taken on Turnbull wildlife refuge July 28 2023.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
Red Shafted Northern Flicker woodpecker
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Red Shafted Northern Flicker woodpecker
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Song Sparrow
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Swallowtail butterfly on my sun impatiens. I believe it is a make Tiger Swallowtail.
Photographer: Cindy Matthews
Learning to fly! An American Goldfinch fledgling in the Hauser area.
Photographer: Angela Marie Slotten
It's fledgling season and it's not uncommon to see them on the ground when learning to fly. This Yellow-headed Blackbird's momma was close by and they reunited shortly after this moment. Early morning at Saltese Flats.
Photographer: Angela Marie Slotten
California Quail chick
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
An Osprey and chicks at Medicine Lake, east of Coeur d' Alene. Perhaps eagerly looking for the parent with lunch? 7/19/2023
Photographer: Carrie Dugovic
A Western Grebe family on Cave Lake, east of Coeur d' Alene. The father brought the mother a fish, who then proceeded to feed it to the chick. 7/19/2023
Photographer: Carrie Dugovic
California Quail chick
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Calliope Hummingbird. Seems to prefer the feeder over my flowers.
Suncrest 7/22/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Great Blue Heron at Saltese Wetlands on July 17th.
Photographer: Terry Sanborn
Moose enjoying grass and wildflowers of the Big Horn Mtn's, Wyoming, July 16th
Photographer: Nia Patton
Moose exiting stage left, Big Horn Mtn's, July 16th
Photographer: Nia Patton
Almost nose to nose with a moose, Big Horn Mtn's, July 16th
Photographer: Nia Patton
Rock Climber, Devil's Tower, July 17th
Photographer: Nia Patton
Big Horn Mountains, Wild Iris, July 16th
Photographer: Nia Patton
Full house! Dad on the left and mom on the right. 3 fledglings full of energy early Wednesday(7/19) morning in Kendall Yards. They just finished eating a fish dad brought home. Temperatures in the 90’s are tough on the babies but hopefully they are big enough to survive.
Photographer: Rich Zywiak
Milky Way from Lincoln County, Fish Trap at about 11:45 PM Friday 7-14-23
Photographer: Jerry Rolwes
Calliope Hummingbird in Spokane Valley on July 13th.
Photographer: Tami Sanborn
Hauser Lake, Idaho. Last Thursday night 11:30 pm. Not visible to the naked eye. Took photo just for the heck of it expecting mostly dark lake with scattered human lights reflecting. Did not realize what the true image captured was until the next afternoon. Total surprise.
Photographer: Mark Henderson
Cow Moose with her new calf taking a long break I think there are 3 new born calf's on the refuge one mom has twins and this one a single.
Turnbull wildlife refuge.
Taken July 12 2023.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
Photo was taken at Saltese Flats, early July 2023
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
Photo was taken at Saltese Flats, early July 2023
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
Photo was taken at Plese Flats on July 11, 2023
Photographer: Mark Stoeser
I found a raccoon napping on an old squirrel nest my backyard tree in Spokane Valley on 10 July 2023. After being startled awake for a photograph, it registered its disposition, surveying the offending “paparazzi” twenty feet below. It got its message across to me and returned to the afternoon nap from which it had been so rudely awakened. After all, what better way to pass the time in the mild summer weather that day?
Photographer: Craig Weddle
I found a napping raccoon in a backyard tree. When I startled it awake, it seemed none too pleased at the interruption. After surveying the offender with a camera, the raccoon settled on its back again and went back to the afternoon nap.
Photographer: Craig Weddle
Honey bee and milkweed
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Deer enjoying the daylilies in my front yard. Suncrest 7/12/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Mom grooming fawn. Suncrest 7/12/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Right on schedule, our bee balm blooms the second week of July and attracts the Rufus Hummingbirds. July 11, 2023, Cheney WA
Photographer: Gary Miller
Right on schedule, second week of July, the Bee Balm comes into bloom attracting Rufus Hummingbirds. 7-12-23 Cheney, WA
Photographer: Gary Miller
Tree frog that jumped out of a copper planter I was deadheading and onto a nearby burning bush.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Calliope Hummingbird in our garden in Spokane Valley WA. Taken on July 5th.
Photographer: Tami Sanborn
Hummingbird visiting tomato plant. Suncrest 7/10/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Found these cow Elk with their calf's at this time of the year in the animal kingdom mom's have their little ones out for show.
Taken on the Turnbull wildlife refuge July 10 2023.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
And then there was one. A flock of Cormorants had been living in the Spokane River above the dam behind the Convention Center for quite a few years. They disappeared earlier this year. This guy showed back up a couple of weeks ago and is still there, alone. taken 1st week of July
Photographer: Melaine Williams
Lincoln Rock taken from Lincoln Rock State Park in June
Photographer: Larry Sunderland
Smoky morning light begins, Pend Oreille River Valley, July 5th
Photographer: Nia Patton
Damselfly and clover, Pend Oreille River bank, July 1st
Photographer: Nia Patton
Damselfly possibly dropping eggs on clover leaf, Pend Oreille River bank, July 1
Photographer: Nia Patton
Cedar Waxwing at Saltese Wetlands on July 2nd>
Photographer: Terry Sanborn
American Goldfinch taking flight at Saltese Wetlands on July 2nd.
Photographer: Tami Sanborn
A killdeer at Fan Lake, 7/3/2023
Photographer: Carrie Dugovic
A painted turtle sun bathing at Fan Lake. 7/3/2023
Photographer: Carrie Dugovic
Damselflies taking a rest on my kayak paddle. Fan Lake, 7/3/2023
Photographer: Carrie Dugovic
Wild America, as close as your backyard deck. A very young striped skunk checking out our garden flowers.
Photographer: Jerry Rolwes
Wild America, as close as your garden. Young, striped little garden skunk checking out our backyard deck flowers. (south hill)
Photographer: Jerry Rolwes
Crayfish in the Spokane River by Peaceful Valley, July 1, 2023.
Photographer: Gary Chang
Bald Eagle picking up a catch, Pend Oreille River, July 1st
Photographer: Nia Patton
Song sparrow, Pend Oreille River bank, June 23rd
Photographer: Nia Patton
Yep, the Cherries Are Ripe 6/30/2023 Four Lakes This Gray Squirrel is having a feast on a wild cherry tree in our yard.
Photographer: Gary Miller
Spotted Sandpiper on June 27th at Saltese Wetlands.
Photographer: Tami Sanborn
Western Meadowlark taken on June 27th at Saltese Wetlands.
Photographer: Terry Sanborn
Not sure who was more surprised, the pretty Red Fox or me, when we literally crossed paths. Quickly, the fox seemed to become bored with my presence. Red fox have supersonic hearing allowing them to hear rodents digging miles underground. June morning near Walla Walla.
Photographer: Angela Marie Slotten
Butterfly bow on garden statue. Suncrest 6/27/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Butterfly bow on garden statue. Suncrest 6/27/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Found these twin moose calf's this morning on Turnbull wildlife refuge mom was right by just out of the frame.
Taken June 26 2023.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
White pelican flying over Middle Pine Pond, Turnbull Game Refuge, Cheney last Friday. There were 19 pelicans feeding in the pond.
Photographer: Jerry Rolwes
Great Blue Heron with string attached to its leg, Pend Oreille River, June 23rd
Photographer: Nia Patton
Two Red Head Ducks, Mama and Baby, preening on a log, Pend Oreille River, June 23rd
Photographer: Nia Patton
Brand new baby fawn waiting for mama to come back. Near the Little Spokane.
Photographer: Julie Lee
This is a Black - crown Night Heron fishing near Walla Walla W.A.
There were 3 of them and they put on quite a show for my wife Sandy and I.
They were very good fisherman.
Taken June 21 2023.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
A Lewis's woodpecker getting ready to feed it's young near Fort Simcoe W.A. the woodpecker is named after Capt. Lewis of the famed Lewis & Clark expedition.
Taken June 22 2023.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
Double-crested cormorant, June 7th, Pend Oreille River(there is no such thing as a double breasted cormorant:)
Photographer: Nia Patton
This is a pair of C-17 Globemasters flying over Puget Sound by the Seattle waterfront. The wingspan on these is 170 ft. I would eyeball about three wingspans high which puts them about 500 ft. Taken from the Seattle to Bremerton ferry on the 22nd of June. You never know what you will see on a ferry ride.
Photographer: Tom Bauer
Two Wigeons resting in the morning sun on a log in the Pend Oreille River, June 22nd
Photographer: Nia Patton
Enjoy morning coffee on the back deck with the humming birds. Suncrest 6/20/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Kayaking the Little Spokane on June 19th. It's been unseasonable cold this June!
Photographer: Carrie Dugovic
A common merganser and her chicks on the Little Spokane River, school in session? 6/19/2023
Photographer: Carrie Dugovic
A great blue heron on the Little Spokane River, just after preening. 6/19/2023
Photographer: Carrie Dugovic
A great blue heron on the Little Spokane River, just after preening. 6/19/2023
Photographer: Carrie Dugovic
Bear Grass, Mt. Kit Carson, Trail 140, June 19, 2023
Photographer: Colleen Smith
The clouds were spectacular on this late spring day at the Rocks of Sharon in the Iller Creek Conservation Area. June 19, 2023.
Photographer: Lisa Giegel
Baby robin 6 days after leaving its nest.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Male California Quail
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Two turtles enjoying the sunlight on a log in the pond, Saddle Mountain, June 16th
Photographer: Nia Patton
"Dad, I'm yours! Feed me."
Turnbull Refuge, Cheney, WA
Male blue bird taking a break from parental responsibilities.
Taken 06-19-23, 7:30 AM
Photographer: Jerry Rolwes
My ride buddy overlooking the Palouse near the Rocks of Sharon at Iller Creek Conservation Area on June 19, 2023.
Photographer: Lisa Giegel
Moisture-dappled lupine leaves after an early June 2023 rain at Iller Creek Conservation Area.
Photographer: Lisa Giegel
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Echinacea flower getting ready to open.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Fledglings, fledglings everywhere! White-breasted Nuthatch. Colbert, WA 6/17/2023
Photographer: Carrie Dugovic
One would be hard pressed to find a bird brighter and prettier than a Bullock's Oriole in this part of the country.
Taken June 17 2023 Turnbull wildlife refuge.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
Male California Quail perched in Vanderwolf pine tree
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Pink black eyed vine blossom
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
American robin fledgling
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Baby American robin
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Double breasted cormorant, June 7th, Pend Oreille River
Photographer: Nia Patton
Pink rose
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Common Goldeneye momma duck with her blue-eyed babes. It takes five months before the ducklings' eyes will turn pale green-yellow. June is the big duckling month. On Hauser Lake in the early morning.
Photographer: Angela Marie Slotten
Bullock’s oriole peeking through the brush 6/11/2023 at Turnbull refuge
Photographer: Les Merriman
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
A Wilson’s Snipe on Spokane’s West plains. The first time I’ve seen this beauty in real life. Taken 6/12/23
Photographer: Rich Zywiak
Wood Duck family gathering to move to safer water in Pend Oreille River, June 6th
Photographer: Nia Patton
Immature Eagle watching Wood Duck family below in the Pend Oreille River, June 6th
Photographer: Nia Patton
Wood Duck acting injured to draw attention away from babies, Pend Oreille River, June 6th
Photographer: Nia Patton
Yellow, orange, and pink rose
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Pink & yellow rose
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Orange carpet rose
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Yellow rose
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Rose in the rain
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Hummingbird returning to feeder on our back deck. Suncrest 6/8/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
The squirrel returned for a second visit and a drink of water.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Mr. Owl in our backyard oak tree in Spokane Valley, June 7th
Photographer: Larry Sunderland
Song sparrow
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Squirrel chatting away
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
These Tree Swallows have something to say! These acrobatic and communicative birds are vital for controlling many fam and garden pest insects. They are also just really fun to watch. June morning in Hauser.
Photographer: Angela Marie Slotten
A curious Yellow Warbler on Tubbs Hill. One of the cheeriest little birds of spring.
Photographer: Angela Marie Slotten
Mrs. Bradshaw
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
African Daisy
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Black Eyed Susan vine
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
A great gray owl leaves it's perch for the evening hunt they hunt from a low perch and glide silently down on their prey.
Taken June 2 2023 in Southwest Montana.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Amazing night for photography in Riverfront park on 6/3/2023. Full moon cresting between pavilion and clock tower. Spokane river was spectacular with reflection of the green neon lights from pavilion. Can it get any better than Spokane’s beautiful downtown park?
Photographer: Les Merriman
Swallowtail butterfly enjoying the last blooms of a lilac bush, Usk, WA, 6-4-2-23
Photographer: Nia Patton
Peek a boo, I see you, Squirrel in tree, Usk, WA June 1, 2023
Photographer: Nia Patton
Mother Wood Duck trying to lead her babies to safety out of view under an old dock, June 1st, 2023, Pend Oreille River
Photographer: Nia Patton
Sunset Spokane river waterfalls 6/3/2023
Photographer: Les Merriman
Full blood moon Riverfront park 6/3/2023
Photographer: Les Merriman
Sunset cruise June 3, 2023
Photographer: Les Merriman
On a recent trip to Southwest Montana this Great Gray owl flew right at me they are the largest owl in North America some 27 inches tall but only weigh a little over 2 pounds.
A very rainy evening and at 6000 ft you can see rain drops falling off it's wing.
Taken June 2 2023 Southwest Montana.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
A squirrel helps himself to some peanuts on our back deck. South Hill - Spokane
Photographer: Rachael Simmons
There are so many Swallowtail butterflies this year! These were enjoying the flowers along the Medical Lake loop trail at the beginning of June
Photographer: Melaine Williams
95% waxing gibbous moon.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Lakeside beaches can attract large numbers of butterflies on hot summer days to absorb minerals and salt from the soil. Suncrest Park on Long Lake. 6/1/2023
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Lakeside beaches can attract large numbers of butterflies on hot summer days to absorb minerals and salt from the soil. Suncrest Park on Long Lake. 6/1/2023
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Male California quail roosting in the Vanderwolf pine.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
White peony in the sun.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
The rising moon above the honeysuckle vine.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Dragonfly sipping on a buttercup. Colbert. 5/28/2023
Photographer: Carrie Dugovic
Great blue heron peeking through the iris while kayaking the Little Spokane River, 5/29/2023
Photographer: Carrie Dugovic
I took this photo of a Mule deer at Turnbull Wildlife Refuge on May 28th.
Photographer: Terry Sanborn
Tree Swallow taking flight at Turnbull Wildlife Refuge on May28th.
Photographer: Tami Sanborn
Our neighbor, Ted, told us the wild roses bloom when the snow melt in the river begins to recede. And so, it happens:) May 28th, Pend Oreille River
Photographer: Nia Patton
Red winged blackbirds take turns riding a raven to get it out of their territory at Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge. Taken May 24
Photographer: Rich Zywiak
A group of red winged blackbirds escort a raven out of their territory at Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge. Taken May 24, 2023
Photographer: Rich Zywiak
Lady bug and peony bud.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Heard a fluttering of wings at the unwashed window so took a look and said "Hello" to an American Goldfinch on the sill. May 26th, Usk, WA
Photographer: Nia Patton
An American Bittern takes to the air they look some what awkward
but fly very well they have huge wings that propel them in flight with little effort
Taken May 24 2023 Turnbull wildlife refuge.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
An American Bittern chats with me on Turnbull wildlife refuge I think they are a little late in coming this year I usually start seeing them around the third week in April always better late then never..
Taken May 23 2023.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
Osprey at Manito Park. Taken May 21, 2023
Photographer: Ron Large
Osprey at Manito Park. Taken May 19, 2023
Photographer: Ron Large
Eurasian collared dove.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Mourning dove on a cool, windy morning.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
As a parent myself I was thinking as I snaped this photo that this just might be a handful to deal with.
Taken May 20 2023 near Medical Lake W.A.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
Squirrel in the backyard maple tree.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
One would be hard pressed to find a bird that is more beautiful than a Lazuli Bunting in our neck of the woods.
It gets it's strange name from the color of a stone found in Afghanistan.
May 20 2023 North of Davenport W.A.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
Bumblebee heading inside Rhododendron blossom.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Bumblebee en route to the next Rhododendron blossom.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Bumblebee flying out of a Rhododendron blossom.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Canada Geese and a Gadwall Duck at Saltese Wetlands on May15th
Photographer: Terry Sanborn
Red-tailed Hawk near Saltese Wetlands on May15th.
Photographer: Terry Sanborn
Yellow-headed Blackbird at Saltese Wetlands on May 15th.
Photographer: Tami Sanborn
Ruddy Duck blowing bubbles at Saltese Wetlands on May 15th
Photographer: Tami Sanborn
An iconic view from the Iller Creek Conservation Area, May 15, 2023.
Photographer: Lisa Giegel
Robin perched in the clump river birch tree.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Silver-haired bat sleeping in a horse chestnut tree at Gonzaga University on the afternoon of May 16, 2023.
Photographer: Gary Chang
Robin and its offspring that left the nest this morning.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
First Fern Leaf peony blossom of 2023.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
One final view of Mt Spokane at 5:30am on May 12th, also from Wallbridge Road
Photographer: Zeph Johnson
Another view of Mt Spokane from Wallbridge Road at 5:35am, May 12th. I am not sure if this or the previous one is better, plz decide :)
Photographer: Zeph Johnson
A view of Mount Spokane, after dawn, around 5:35am on May 12, from Wallbridge Rd near Wildrose Rd
Photographer: Zeph Johnson
Song sparrow after consuming a grub.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Bumblebee in the crabapple blossoms.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Song sparrow eating its breakfast in the backyard.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Adult robin bringing breakfast to its new babies that are nested in a nearby Colorado blue spruce.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Male California Quail surrounded by Japanese maple leaves in the backyard.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Merlin, a small falcon, magically? appeared at our place May 5th, early evening, Usk, WA
Photographer: Nia Patton
They're ba-ack! Every year for the last few years a large group of Pelican's descend on the Marshall Wetlands off of Cheney-Spokane Road. It starts with a few, these arrived a couple of days ago and the numbers continue to grow until they number 25-30.
Photographer: Melaine Williams
The male Yellow Headed Blackbirds were squabbling over the girls at James T Slavin Conservation Area the second week of May
Photographer: Melaine Williams
The babies have started showing up at James T Slavin Conservation Area this 2nd week of May. It must really be spring!
Photographer: Melaine Williams
A Virgina Rail comes out of the reeds to look me over they are very shy sometimes moving rapidly through the reeds in a ghost like manner.
Taken May 8 2023 Pine lakes Turnbull wildlife refuge.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
This juvenile Cooper's Hawk had just gotten done with a mouse meal and was looking for his next entre in Marshall at the beginning of May.
Photographer: Melaine Williams
Honeybee collecting nectar from the crabapple blossoms in my backyard. The tree has been "alive" with honeybee and bumblebee activity since its flowers have opened.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
All colored up in the evening sun this Pheasant struts his stuff.
Taken May 7 2023 near Davenport W.A.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
This is a male Nashville Warbler. There's the classic warbler sound but very hard to visually locate. Photo taken May 6, 2023, Rustlers Gulch, Pend Oreille!
Photographer: Andrew Thomas
Sprague Lake is an annual breeding ground for Black-crowned Night-Herons. They breed in groups, some known to be in the hundreds. This male was displaying for a female just below him.
Photographer: Andrew Thomas
Humming birds are always a test of patience given how fast they move any direction. That's why this Female Black-shinned Hummingbird was fantastic. August, 2022.
Photographer: Andrew Thomas
The silence of a Cooper's Hawk is always fascinating to me.
April 11, 2023. Orchardbulff Rd.
Photographer: Andrew Thomas
Common Yellowthroat as the name suggests very common but also very pretty our only warbler that nests in marshes this one was on Turnbull wildlife refuge.
Taken Mat 5 2023.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
This Song Sparrow sat, singing away looking for someone to love. Photography at home can be more exciting that it first appears!
Photographer: Andrew Thomas
At Mt. Spokane High School, I noticed a Northern Flicker with yellow wing shafts. It turned out to be a Yellow-shafted (Eastern) x Red-shafted (Western) Hybrid!
Photographer: Andrew Thomas
Spring time is the best time of year to get the uncommon Greater Scaup at Wandermere Golfcourse!
Photographer: Andrew Thomas
Male Red-winged Blackbirds are alway very exciting at Saltese Flats in the spring.
Photographer: Andrew Thomas
Male Red-winged Blackbirds are alway very exciting at Saltese Flats in the spring.
Photographer: Andrew Thomas
I have enjoyed photography in north Spokane for the last 3 years and Western Bluebirds are always a challenging subject to get great shots of. That's why I enjoy this shot!
Photographer: Andrew Thomas
Photo taken Monday, May 1st from Kendall Yards during the most recent series of lightning storms.
Photographer: John Wehrer
Cinnamon Teal ducks sharing some time together in a wetland pond, April 28th, Pend Oreille River Valley.
Photographer: Nia Patton
Synchronized swimming by Mallard drakes following a Mallard drake and hen in perfect harmony, April 28th, Pend Oreille River
Photographer: Nia Patton
The American White Pelican, a bird family of at least 30 million years old, is returning to local bodies of water. A long time myth is that pelicans use their pouch (gular pouch) for storing food like a lunch box. They actually eat their food right when they catch it. Photographed near Hauser Lake at sunrise.
Photographer: Angela Marie Slotten
Welcome back, Hummers! The Rufous hummingbird has the longest migration of any hummingbird. They are known for their feistiness and are considered the most aggressive hummingbird. May evening in Hauser.
Photographer: Angela Marie Slotten
red winged blackbird taking off near the Little Spokane.
Photographer: Julie Lee
red winged blackbird near the Little Spokane.
Photographer: Julie Lee
79.4% waxing gibbous moon tonight.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Male House finch munching on new growth in a maple tree.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
After our never ending winter I just can't get enough of the splendors spring finally brought with her!
Photographer: Melaine Williams
Red winged Blackbird ? No a Tricolored blackbird they are glossier, black, different shaped bill, chevron below the red is white or cream, instead of dark yellow, song much different.
Taken April 24 2023 Central W.A.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
After a long winter taking five feels pretty darn good for this ma ma and her two little ones.
taken April 27 2023 Turnbull wildlife refuge.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
Male wood duck swimming in the shallows of the Pend Oreille River, April 17, 2023
Photographer: Nia Patton
This male Northern Harrier didn't know I was sitting quietly when it flew into the brush I have been watching them breed and nest on 30 acer lake Turnbull wildlife refuge for the past few years.
The female is of a dark brown.
Formally known as a Marsh Hawk they glide and hunt silently over the marsh land.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
A very pretty male Northern Harrier sits on it's perch looking for it's prey very seldom can you find one that will sit for a photo.
Taken April 202023 on the Turnbull wildlife refuge
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
Return of Red-tailed hawk which perched on the top of an evergreen tree north of my house earlier this morning.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Common Loons taking their annual April rest stop for one to two weeks on Hauser. Seems like a good sign as loons are excellent indicators of water quality requiring clear water to see prey. They have sharp teeth that protrude from the tops of their mouths to hold on to slippery prey. Unlike most birds, loons have solid bones and can dive up to 200 feet underwater for their food. Outside of mating season the trademark red eye turns to grey.
Photographer: Angela Marie Slotten
Common Loons taking their annual April rest stop for one to two weeks on Hauser. Seems like a good sign as loons are excellent indicators of water quality requiring clear water to see prey. They have sharp teeth that protrude from the tops of their mouths to hold on to slippery prey. Unlike most birds, loons have solid bones and can dive up to 200 feet underwater for their food. Outside of mating season the trademark red eye turns to grey.
Photographer: Angela Marie Slotten
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