Your Outdoor Photos: March 2021
The Inland Northwest is full of flora, fauna, waters, scenery and active people out to savor it all. Please visit this gallery regularly to share photos of your wild experiences, learning moments, hot discoveries, favorite trips. Help us build a visual tour of what's so great about the outdoors in this region through all four seasons. This photo gallery will be an inspiration to some people. To others it will be a reminder of why we love to live here – and get outside as much as possible.
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Photos in This Album
Turnbull 3/27/21
Photographer: Debbie Mitchell
Iller Creek loop trail in the Dishman Natural area is looking like springs here at the end of March.
Photographer: Melaine Williams
Morning light hitting perfectly on the water. Truly....these were the colors of the morning for an ever so brief moment. Thank goodness for a telephoto lens and coffee. Male and female Wood Duck couple so gorgeous but I find very hard to photograph for many reasons. They are rarely in the open, nesting in tree cavities, they are very skittish (smart); and their colors are so unbelievable that they can look over edited in their natural state. A true wonder of nature. s
Photographer: Angela Marie
All Eyes are on the ZAGS!!!! This raft of American Coots has returned to Hauser Lake and managed to weather the whitecaps of the recent windstorm. Any good team ( truly what flock like this is also called) sticks together through it all and comes out winning! Instead of webbed feet, their toes have broad lobes of skin that allow them to easily move through water. They look like they walk on water....hmmmm, sounds like another team I know. GO, ZAGS!!!!!!!!
Photographer: Angela Marie
It was a frosty morning for the Grass Widow on the Flying L trail at Phillips Creek. March 23, 2021
Photographer: Lisa Giegel
Reflection in the pond on the Nimbus Knob trail at Dishman Hills Natural Resources Conservation Area. March 25, 2021
Photographer: Lisa Giegel
Nothing says spring like the Crocus in Manito making their appearance. Seen at the end of March.
Photographer: Melaine Williams
Hooded Merganser Hauser Lake
Photographer: Michael forster
Spring is in the air at Hauser lake! March 26th 2021
Photographer: michael forster
Spring is in the air at Hauser lake! March 26th 2021
Photographer: michael forster
Mr and Mrs Springtime are now looking for a place to stay on the Turnbull wildlife refuge. Taken March 23 2021 on the refuge.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
A beautiful day to be on Sprague Lake fishing toward the end of March.
Photographer: Melaine Williams
A female Northern Harrier takes to the air on Turnbull wildlife refuge the male is of a slate gray color they can be very weary of your presence. Taken on Turnbull on March 18 2021 fun too watch.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
A Northern Harrier (male) the female is brown they were once called a marsh hawk but now Northern Harrier they have a small facial disk like a owl when you see one flying low over the wetlands you think they are going to land but never seem too there is a breeding pair now on the Turnbull wildlife refuge. Taken March 20 2021 Turnbull wildlife refuge.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
Black-billed Magpie sitting on a tree stump overlooking Corbin Park. Taken March 1st in the Garland area.
Photographer: Tom Bauer
Stretching out the wing span to almost six feet, this Tundra Swan would do well in March Madness. Can't help but be in awe of these incredible beings for their beauty let alone that they fly some 3,725 miles round-trip between their distant habitats, and make the daunting journey twice each year. Wise ducks to hang out under this wing canopy of this Tundra Swan as the hungry eagle was flying overhead. So much going on out there right now! Morning safari in Hauser last week.
Photographer: Angela Marie
Snow Geese, Potholes Reservoir, March 11, 2021.
Photographer: James Blake
On a road trip to see Sandhill Cranes at the Columbia Basin Wildlife Refuge, we stumbled upon this flock of Snow Geese on the Potholes Reservior, March 11, 2021. There were so many birds, we needed to take a panoramic photo!
Photographer: James Blake
The sun sets over Valleyford at the beginning of March.
Photographer: Melaine Williams
The marmot was peeking out of his boulder den. He seemed to be enjoying the sunshine and warmer temperatures as he scurried about among the rocks. March 8, 2021 Fishtrap Lake area.
Photographer: Cindy Miller
The first Kingfisher of the season appears! Incredibly quick (can fly up to 36 mph) and fascinating to watch fish. This is one of the few bird species in which the female is more brightly colored than the male. The oldest known fossil of the Kingfisher family dates back 2 million years. This bird's got history! March morning in Hauser.
Photographer: Angela Marie
Harbingers of spring, the Red-Winged Blackbird defends his territory by singing loudly among the fresh pussy willow buds. The females will soon follow. Almost-spring morning in Hauser.
Photographer: Angela Marie
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