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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Your Outdoor Photos October 2020

The Inland Northwest is full of flora, fauna, waters, scenery and active people out to savor it all. Please visit this gallery regularly to share photos of your wild experiences, learning moments, hot discoveries, favorite trips. Help us build a visual tour of what's so great about the outdoors in this region through all four seasons. This photo gallery will be an inspiration to some people. To others it will be a reminder of why we love to live here -- and get outside as much as possible.

NOTE: Before photos show up in the reader photo gallery, they must be approved by an editor. If yours does not show up immediately, fear not. The only likely delay is that an editor has not had a chance to approve new photo submissions yet. Thanks for participating!

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Photos in This Album

  • Beautiful tree at Canon Hill

    Photographer: Cody Wagner

  • The seed heads from the thistles along the Columbia Plateau Trail out of Fish Lake still had a crown of snow a couple of days following the record breaking snowfall in late October.

    Photographer: M Melaine Williams

  • A small raft of ducks were trying to keep warm and feed in the small unfrozen portion of Cannon Hill pond on Oct. 24, 2020 near the spigot that churns and refreshes the pond. The autumn colors remained reflected in the water, but the snow and ice changed the topography for the feathered residents.

    Photographer: Craig Weddle

  • Manito Park, Oct. 24, 2020

    Photographer: Ron Large

  • A friendly pygmy owl, spotted on a backyard fence in Priest Lake, Idaho.

    Photographer: Betsy White, courtesy of Priest Lake Public Library

  • I was taking photos of the fall colors at the Finch Arboretum when this hawk(?) flew into the tree that I was photographing.

    Photographer: Steve Feider

  • Canada Geese pause, feed, and bathe in the Spokane River at Plante’s Ferry Park late in the afternoon light on Sept. 23. One seems more inclined to stretch and loosen up for the upcoming flight in a few minutes.

    Photographer: Craig Weddle

  • Enjoying one of the greatest parts of living in the Inland Northwest: apple season! One of the smallest birds in the state, a Ruby-Crowned Kinglet, taking in an old apple tree along the road in Hauser on October morning.

    Photographer: Angela Marie

  • A walk on the trail at Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge on Oct. 5 led to a surprise: a porcupine sound asleep high up in a pine tree, near Middle Pine Lake. Actually there were three of them in all, on the same branch, but this one looked the most comfortable!

    Photographer: Carlene Hardt

  • Careful where you step this antler had a bull moose laying down under it. Turnbull wildlife refuge Oct. 13, 2020.

    Photographer: Pat Domitrovich

  • Another Monarch on Turnbull wildlife refuge. They come onto the refuge this time of year to breed. This bull was lying down when I first saw its antlers in the tall grass. After a long wait in the rain he finally stood up and moved into the timber where I got this photo. Oct. 13, 2020.

    Photographer: Pat Domitrovich

  • A European Starling with its fresh winter plumage, when their feathers come in brown with white spots. Oct. 8, 2020, Colbert, WA.

    Photographer: Carrie Dugovic

  • Bath time! Happy to see the robins returning to gorge on the fall berries, but first, bath time! Oct. 8, 2020, Colbert, WA.

    Photographer: Carrie Dugovic

  • A man prepares to take a fall horseback ride on the Slavin Conservation area mid October.

    Photographer: M Melaine Williams

  • Restless robins switching their diet to fresh fruit for migrating or overwintering. Interestingly, robins are nomadic, so they may go to entirely different places from one winter to the next. October morning in Hauser.

    Photographer: Angela Marie

  • A Large group of Pelicans are in the main lake at Slavin Conservation area. These two were just gliding along at the middle of October.

    Photographer: M Melaine Williams

  • Pelican spa day. There is a large group of Pelicans at Slavin Conservation Area. This group was taking a moment to tidy up mid October.

    Photographer: M Melaine Williams

  • From our backyard bird feeder. A Coopers Hawk cools its heels while watching a squirrel. After meandering around our yard, the squirrel jumped the fence and the hawk went back to its bath. Taken by my trail camera in late September 2020

    Photographer: Patrick O'Hearn

  • A flock of ravens in Spokane Valley.

    Photographer: Anna Erickson

  • This beautiful burned-out stump garden was spotted on the trail while hiking. It seemed to symbolize for me that new life does flourish after a forest fire. The autumn colors and berries were lovely. Taken October, 2020. Little Pend Oreille Wildlife Refuge.

    Photographer: Cindy Miller

  • Classic Spokane autumn day in the Conklin Park neighborhood. Inviting ‘book nook’ beckons to passersby.

    Photographer: Maureen Pescaia

  • Pair of Pileated Woodpeckers near Cannon Hill Park, Oct. 5, 2020.

    Photographer: Daniel Gore

  • A pair of large pileated woodpeckers blew in to our Cannon Hill neighborhood with the big Labor Day blow. The pair are still around, their loud an distinctive call heard for blocks. This is one of the pair, moving volumes of dead wood from a hole in my neighbor's dying birch. CAPTION: Pileated Woodpecker near Cannon Hill Park on Oct. 5, 2020.

    Photographer: Daniel Gore

  • Just one of the monarchs that rule on the Turnbull wildlife refuge this beauty had about 15 cows with him. Taken on the refuge Oct. 8, 2020.

    Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.

  • Beautiful Day on the Spokane River. This was taken this morning just a little above the Seven Mile Bridge.

    Photographer: Sharon Lindsay

  • Staying almost two weeks longer than usual, our harbinger of spring and symbol of summer, the osprey have retreated from their residence in Hauser. The silence is deafening. See you next April!

    Photographer: Angela Marie

  • Happily atop one of the orange floats above the dam in Riverfront Park a Cormorant enjoys the warm fall weather. Seen the beginning of October

    Photographer: M Melaine Williams

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