Your Outdoors Photos: August 2020
The Inland Northwest is full of flora, fauna, waters, scenery and active people out to savor it all. Please visit this gallery regularly to share photos of your wild experiences, learning moments, hot discoveries, favorite trips. Help us build a visual tour of what's so great about the outdoors in this region through all four seasons. This photo gallery will be an inspiration to some people. To others it will be a reminder of why we love to live here -- and get outside as much as possible.
NOTE: Before photos show up in the reader photo gallery, they must be approved by an editor. If yours does not show up immediately, fear not. The only likely delay is that an editor has not had a chance to approve new photo submissions yet. Thanks for participating!
Section:Reader Photo
Photos in This Album
Just a Walk in the Park. The Spokane South Hill autumn foliage reflect in the Cannon Hill Park pond in mid afternoon as a Mallard drake and hen casually cruise and feed on Oct. 22, 2020.
Photographer: Craig Weddle
Newman Lake from the Quartz Mountain Fire Lookout on Mt. Spokane.
Photographer: ERIN HEYAMOTO
The Big Boys take a lunch break. Along the Trail of the Coeur d'Alenes in Idaho.
Photographer: Dwight L Makinson
Closeup of a beautiful dragonfly.
Photographer: Lisa Miller
Hummingbird (Sphinx) Moth Closeup Aug. 21, 2020 Four Lakes Hummingbird (Sphinx) Moths tend to show up around the middle of August, generally in the evening. On the 21st, I was fortunate enough to have one show up in broad daylight, making for a decent photo opportunity.
Photographer: Gary Miller
I took this picture on Aug. 17 in my backyard in Nine Mile Falls. It was 100 degrees and all kinds of birds were flocking to the many water bowls and bird baths that I have out for them. This is an adult bluebird and juveniles at a blown glass bird bath.
Photographer: Angela Roth
Grey Herons drying their wings May 2017 in Driftwood Key near Hansville, WA
Photographer: Bobbi Caesar
Bald Eagle near her nest in Hansville, WA July 2020
Photographer: Bobbi Caesar
So hot even the moose enjoys the sprinklers! This was taken on Aug. 18, one of the hottest days of this year. After cooling off in the sprinkler, this bull "pruned" our apple trees before moseying down to the Little Spokane River (in Colbert) in search of other treats.
Photographer: Ann Brinly
Sunset on Aug. 8 on Lake Coeur d’Alene near Wolf Lodge Bay.
Photographer: Shelly Lewis
Sunset on Aug. 8 on Lake Coeur d’Alene near Wolf Lodge Bay.
Photographer: Shelly Lewis
Sunset on Aug. 8 on Lake Coeur d’Alene near Wolf Lodge Bay.
Photographer: Shelly Lewis
The Palouse and Steptoe Butte have always fascinated me no matter what season. I was there in early August and was struck by the contrast of the golden wheat fields and the dark green trees as I looked down from the Butte.
Photographer: Sue Orlowski
I always know that Fall is here when I see a Mormon Metalmark. On Aug. 10 I went to Swanson Lakes to look for a Hermiluca Herra, a large moth, since I usually see them around the eighth of August. I did see one fly by but also saw a Metalmark which I was also looking for.
Photographer: Sue Orlowski, SP
On Aug. 3 I was taking a hike along the Devil's Gap trail north of Reardon when something flew under the brim of my hat! Boy was I surprised when I saw it was a huge robberfly! I had never seen one so large and with red legs to boot.
Photographer: Sue Orlowski, SP
I have been trying for a long time to get a picture of a California Quail but as soon as I get close to one, it flushes. On Aug. 1 one finally accommodated my desire. This male just sat there on a post at the Sprague Lake boat launch while I took several pictures to help me realize my dream.
Photographer: Sue Orlowski SP,
A baby pine siskin just fledged and munching on my dandelion seeds. So glad I didn't mow them all down! Colbert, WA
Photographer: Carrie Dugovic
A male Goldfinch in his summer finery enjoys a snack at the feeder. Seen the second week of August in Marshall.
Photographer: Melaine Williams
A Mourning Dove looking for dropped seeds blends in perfectly with the dry grass of late summer. Seen in Marshall second week of August.
Photographer: Melaine Williams
A cow moose enjoys the beautiful summer weather at Turnbull in the second week of August.
Photographer: Melaine Williams (please note spelling, thanks)
A beautiful cow moose happily munches greens at Turnbull the second week of August.
Photographer: Melaine Williams (please note the spelling, thanks)
Beautiful evening kayaking Sherry Lake 25 miles northeast of Colville. Aug. 8, 2020
Photographer: Carrie Dugovic
Never mind me, just giving your willows a little pruning. Bull Moose, Little Spokane River, Colbert, Aug. 6, 2020
Photographer: Carrie Dugovic
A female moose with a pair of calves, including one with a light brown hide. Taken near Winchester, Idaho in early August.
Photographer: Lois Melville, Picture by Justin Joy
A female Rufous Hummingbird feeding on flowers in a garden in Liberty Lake on Aug. 5, 2020.
Photographer: Rick Fredericksen
A female Rufous Hummingbird feeding in a garden in Liberty Lake on Aug. 5, 2020.
Photographer: Rick Fredericksen
Mule deer in velvet in the soft morning light on the Turnbull Wildlife Refuge, August 2020.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
These are the twins on Turnbull Wildlife Refuge. Whether they are two sisters or two brothers or brother and sister is anyone's guess, they are just beautiful to see. Aug. 2, 2020.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
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