From the Archives: Fairchild Air Force Base Open Houses
Take a look back at photos taken through the years of past open houses held at Fairchild Air Force Base.
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Spokane and Inland Empire folks proved they were air-minded yesterday when they swarmed into the Spokane air force base to see a display of the country’s air defenses. Here is part of the crowd which waited between two hangars near the flight line just before the big show began. Plane at the right is a B-50. The picture was taken from the air base control tower. Sep. 18, 1948.
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Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 23, 1950.
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Inspecting a B52 bomber during last year’s Armed Forces Open House are many of the thousands of persons who toured Fairchild Air Force Base. Sunday the busy scene will be repeated as the doors of the SAC base will be thrown open to the public from 1 to 5 p.m. for the 1966 Armed Forces Day program. May 21, 1966.
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Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 10, 1971.
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Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 10, 1971.
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Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 10, 1971.
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Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 15, 1972.
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Vintage aircraft display, a 1929 Waco Biplane at Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 13, 1976.
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747 cargo plane displayed by Northwest Airlines at the Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 17, 1976.
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Teri Frint, 8-years-old, Spokane, gets a chance at flying (pretend) a Bell WH Rescue Chopper at the Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 17, 1976.
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Fairchild Air Force Base’s annual open house Sunday wound up week-long Lilac Festival activities. Highlights at the base included various airplane displays, parachute jumpers, bands and several flyovers. May 17, 1976.
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E3A airborne waring aircraft at Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 17, 1976.
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Jet pod on a 747 at Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 17, 1976.
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48th ARRS sq. para rescue unit show their stuff at the Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 17, 1976.
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T-38 gets plenty of eye-ballers at Fairchild Air Force base open house. May 17, 1976.
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Raf-Vulcan bomber at Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 17, 1976.
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Canadian aerobatic team takes spotlight from transport aircraft display. May 23, 1977.
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CH-147 “Chinook” helicopter at Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 23, 1977.
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Chinook troop helicopter at Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 29, 1978.
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Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 22, 1978.
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Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 15, 1978.
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Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 15, 1978.
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Wash. Air National Guard KC-135 tanker at Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 17, 1981.
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Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 21, 1979.
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Carla helipcopter at Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 18, 1982.
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Navy sky hawk plane at Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 17, 1982.
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KC-10 Aerospace day at the Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 22, 1984.
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Justin Otto at Fairchild Air Force Base. May 20, 1985.
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Tom Faust and son Christopher at the Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 22, 1984.
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Lt. Kevin Eld with a R-F-4 at Fairchild Air Force Base open house. May 19, 1986.
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Dave Goicoechea and son John, 3, check out NASA T-38 trainer aircraft. May 18, 1987.
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Taking a look at Fairchild Open House crowd Sunday is Neil Petty, 6. He is enjoying the scene from the bombardier’s seat of a B-17, which was on display from Seattle. He was one of about 70,000 who attended. May 23, 1988.
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Stealth fighter pilot Maj. Blake Bourland signs autographs during Aerospace Day at Fairchild Air Force Base on Sunday. May 14, 1990.
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Stealth fighter pilot Maj. Blake Bourland was on hand to sign autographs and answer questions about the F117A Stealth fighter plane which was on public display for the first time at Fairchild Air Force Base Sunday. May 14, 1990.
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Three-year-old Michael Moore, his face decorated with camouflage paint, plugs his ears as a B-52 and KC-135 make a pass over the runway Sunday during Aerospace Day at Fairchild Air Force Base. May 15, 1990.
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David Erbe lifts his son, Deven, 2, up to meet the grips of the M106 Army tank’s .50 caliber-machine gun at the air show Sunday. May 20, 1991.
Photo Archive The Spokesman-Review
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