On the Front Lines
Our new series On the Front Lines recognizes those in the community who are confronting the coronavirus pandemic head-on, while the rest of us do our part by stepping back.
Section:Picture story

CNA Christoper Zuninga is photographed April 30 in front of Sullivan Park Care Center in Spokane. He’s confident in their response to the COVID-19 pandemic. View story: Certified nursing assistant found his job – and his calling – in Spokane Valley nursing home
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Certified nursing assistant found his job – and his calling – in Spokane Valley nursing home

Enforcement officer Doug King of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is photographed in Spokane Valley on Monday, May 4. The Oopening of state parks, and allowing some hunting and fishing is part of Gov. Jay Inslee’s four-phase plan in the reopening of the state of Washington during the COVID-19 pandemic. Not all of the parks are included. View story: State fish and wildlife police offer tips and pleas as state lands open to the public
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
State fish and wildlife police offer tips and pleas as state lands open to the public

Jamie McBride, general manager of Dick’s Hamburgers, is photographed in Spokane on Friday, May 1, 2020. They have taken the necessary precautions in order to stay open during the COVID-19 pandemic. View story: Dick’s Drive-In general manager gives customers comfort food ‘buy the bagfull’
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Dick’s Drive-In general manager gives customers comfort food ‘buy the bagfull’

Juliana Repp of the Unemployment Law Project is photographed outside her office in Spokane on Thursday. She’s been busy helping the high number of unemployed since the shut down due to COVID-19. View story: Lawyer helps the unemployed access their claims
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Lawyer helps the unemployed access their claims

Mechanic Wayne Tuttle is in charge of keeping the Spokane Valley Fire Departments fire trucks and engines ready to fight fires during the COVID-19 pandemic and all year long. He is photographed at the fire department garage on Wednesday, April 29, 2020. View story: Spokane Valley Fire Department mechanic ensures crews make it to the scene
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Spokane Valley Fire Department mechanic ensures crews make it to the scene

Chris Valeo organized a group that makes home deliveries to people that are shut in during the COVID-19 pandemic. She is photographed at her home in Cheney on Wednesday. View story: West Plains volunteers offer confidential assistance to neighbors at risk, in need
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
West Plains volunteers offer confidential assistance to neighbors at risk, in need

United States Postal Carrier Dave Lantz in photographed in Spokane on Tuesday, April 28, 2020. He’s seen an increase in the amount of packages he delivers since the beginning of COVID-19. View story: Letter carriers ensure the pandemic doesn’t stop the mail
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Letter carriers ensure the pandemic doesn’t stop the mail

Jennifir Scheele, home health care worker for Addus HomeCare, is photographed at her home in Spokane on Friday, April 24, 2020. She is an essential worker and is continuing to provide home health care during the COVID-19 pandemic. View story: Home health care worker sees fewer clients, helps out elderly neighbors during pandemic
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Home health care worker sees fewer clients, helps out elderly neighbors during pandemic

Jaime Stacy, mentor at Rogers High School as well as Garry and Shaw Middle schools, is photographed on Thursday, April 23, 2020. She also runs SWAG, Strong Women Achieving Greatness. She’s ramping up her support for her mentees via phone and online communication during the shutdown due to COVID-19. View story: Spokane mom empowers young women to continue working toward their goals amid coronavirus crisis
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Spokane mom empowers young women to continue working toward their goals amid coronavirus crisis

Pharmacist Erik Nelson stands just outside the new hand sanitizer lab at Sixth Avenue Medical Pharmacy in Spokane on Wednesday, April 22, 2020. The pharmacy started making hand sanitizer in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. View story: Spokane pharmacist who prepared for pandemic touts relationships with customers
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Spokane pharmacist who prepared for pandemic touts relationships with customers

Pre-school teacher Linda Sullivan of St.Anne’s Child & Family Center is photographed on Wednesday, April 22, 2020. She is caring for children of essential workers, medical staff and first responders because of the COVID-19 initiatives. View story: The staff at St. Anne’s cares for the children of health care workers
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
The staff at St. Anne’s cares for the children of health care workers

Samantha Quackenbush, care coordinator for Excelsior Wellness Center, is photographed in front on their new building in Spokane on Wednesday. She was an integral part of their switch to 24/7 care in response to demands of COVID-19. View story: Excelsior staffer moves on campus to keep care consistent for in-patient residents
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Excelsior staffer moves on campus to keep care consistent for in-patient residents

Elisha Price, a paraeducator providing care for the children of first responders and healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, is photographed Tuesday at Farwell Elementary. View story: Mead paraeducator provides child care for first responders, medical personnel
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Mead paraeducator provides child care for first responders, medical personnel

Rick Fairbanks, case managing social worker for Hospice of Spokane is photographed Tuesday at Spokane’s Hospice House South, which has made some operational changes during COVID-19. View story: Spokane hospice social worker focuses on patients, families despite coronavirus complications
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Spokane hospice social worker focuses on patients, families despite coronavirus complications

Physician assistant Theresa Schimmels specializes in dermatology and now has shifted her focus to COVID-19. She is photographed on Monday, April 20. View story: Dermatology specialist who cared for Spokane’s first HIV/AIDS cases volunteers to screen colleagues at VA Medical Center
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Dermatology specialist who cared for Spokane’s first HIV/AIDS cases volunteers to screen colleagues at VA Medical Center

Cathy Long, considered one of the superstars of the Meals on Wheels program, is photographed at the facility in Spokane Valley on Thursday, April 16, 2020. She is wearing the mask during her deliveries to protect herself and the people that receive the meals from COVID-19. View story: Meals on Wheels delivery woman adapts to hands-off approach at the doorstep
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Meals on Wheels delivery woman adapts to hands-off approach at the doorstep

“The people we talk to are having the worst day of their lives,” says Jason Molina, distacher for Spokane Regional Emergency Communications during an interview at the station in Spokane on Thursday. He is now fielding calls related to COVID-19. View story: Dispatcher hears those in need, helps them get help
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Dispatcher hears those in need, helps them get help

Lilly Haeger, housekeeper and a member of the Special Pathogens Unit at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center, is photographed on Friday. She’s part of the team that continues to keep the hospital clean and sanitized during COVID-19. View story: Sacred Heart housekeeper plays unsung but crucial role in stopping COVID-19’s spread
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Sacred Heart housekeeper plays unsung but crucial role in stopping COVID-19’s spread

Community organizer Veronica Haymore is photographed in her neighborhood in Greenacres on Wednesday. She also volunteers at Northwest Harvest. She is helping her neighbors in need during COVID-19. View story: Greenacres woman finds people in need – and ways to help them
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Greenacres woman finds people in need – and ways to help them

Cindy Purvis is photographed with Toothless at VCA Manito Animal Hospital in Spokane on Thursday, April 9, 2020. Veterinarians are committed to continue caring for pets during the COVID-19 pandemic. View story: Veterinarians are working to keep pets – and their people – healthy during pandemic
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Veterinarians are working to keep pets – and their people – healthy during pandemic

Jake Milliron of Mobius Science Center put together activity kits for kids K-8 grade that they will pick up with the bagged lunches fom area schools. He talked about being able to reach out during the COVID-19 pandemic Tuesday in Spokane. View story: Mobius steps up with science activities, offering students something extra during school closures
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Mobius steps up with science activities, offering students something extra during school closures

Heather Thomas-Taylor, assistant director of Hope House, is photographed on Thursday, April 9, 2020. She helped direct the move of the women’s shelter to the downtown library building to be able to add more beds and comply with social distancing due to COVID-19. View story: Hope House leader helps expand shelter for women during the pandemic
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Hope House leader helps expand shelter for women during the pandemic

“I really love it here,” says Saskia Clark as she talks about being the gardener at Touchmark on South Hill assisted living facility on Thursday, April 9, 2020. She’s keeping the grounds beautiful for the residents as they shelter-in-place during the COVID-19 pandemic. Spring flowers bring hope that the world goes on despite coronvirus quarantine
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Spring flowers bring hope that the world goes on despite coronvirus quarantine

Spokane police Officer Richie Plunkett is photographed at the Intermodal Center on Wednesday. View story: Spokane police officer uses team skills to help vulnerable while other resources are harder to access
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Spokane police officer uses team skills to help vulnerable while other resources are harder to access

“It’s nice to be able to do my part,” Stephen Scott said about volunteering during COVID-19 for Second Harvest Food Bank in Spokane on Tuesday, April 7, 2020. View story: Volunteering with Second Harvest becomes furloughed Spokane man’s full-time job
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Volunteering with Second Harvest becomes furloughed Spokane man’s full-time job

“We’re pretty isolated out here,” says sanitation worker Larry Frackenpohl of Coeur d’Alene Garbage and Post Fall Sanitation after his shift on Wednesday, April 8, 2020. The garbage service is running at full capacity during the COVID-19 pandemic. View story: Garbage truck driver sees heavier loads, less traffic, more smiles
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Garbage truck driver sees heavier loads, less traffic, more smiles

“I started working here when I was 17,” says Dan Englehart, meat manager for Sonnenberg’s Market & Deli in Spokane on Tuesday, April 7, 2020. The store has seen an increase in customers due to COVID-19. View story: Sonnenberg’s manager focuses on customers amid ‘absolutely crazy’ rush
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Sonnenberg’s manager focuses on customers amid ‘absolutely crazy’ rush

“I wanted to part of something bigger than me,” said Air National Guard Staff Sgt. Mariah McLeod about joining the military while assisting the folks at Second Harvest food bank in Spokane on Tuesday, April 7, 2020. The guard has been brought in to help because of the huge demand due to COVID-19. View story: Air National Guardsman pitches in at short-staffed Second Harvest
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Reiew
Air National Guardsman pitches in at short-staffed Second Harvest

Spokane Valley firefighter Shawn Pichette is photographed Monday. Emergency responders are on the front lines of the COVID-19 outbreak. View story: Spokane Valley firefighter always wanted to help others in his community
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Spokane Valley firefighter always wanted to help others in his community

Gonzaga University student Eleanor Weisblat is volunteering at the COVID-19 testing site at Spokane County Fair and Expo Center on Saturday. View story: With online courses, Gonzaga senior studying biology finds time to aid in COVID-19 response
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
With online courses, Gonzaga senior studying biology finds time to aid in COVID-19 response

Registered Nurse Carey Razzle from Providence Hospital is working at the COVID-19 testing site at Spokane County Fair and Expo Center on Saturday, April 4, 2020. View story: Ambulatory surgery nurse felt called to fairgrounds screening site
Kathy Plonka The Spokesman-Review
Ambulatory surgery nurse felt called to fairgrounds screening site
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