Harrington School District
Nestled among Eastern Washington’s rolling wheat fields and towering silos are the heartbeats of farm towns – small rural school districts. Bleachers swell during high school sporting events and multi-purpose rooms fill up for plays and musical performances when parents and grandparents are joined by farmers, civic leaders and local residents. Schools have become the community centers for small towns like Harrington.
Section:Picture story

Kathy Hoob, right, owner of Harrington Foods, shares a laugh with her customer Bud McPeak, March 12, 2015, in downtown Harrington, Wash. Hoob, a member of the Harrington Chamber of Commerce, along with Harrington school students produced holiday gift baskets for local elderly residents, including McPeak. “I just finished eating the ham,” joked McPeak.
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Bella the dog keeps an eye on the world in a window on a sleepy day across the street from the Harrington School.
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Dan Fromm, left, along with Terry and Lorne Howe, watch the world go by from the Howe’s restored garage on Third Street in Harrington, Wash. Terry, a city council person, and Lorne support and often attend school-related events
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A golf cart rolls along 3rd Street in downtown Harrington, Wash., March 12, 2015. The Odessa-Harrington Union Warehouse towers in the background.
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Harrington School District students ride the school bus, March 12, 2015.
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Rachel Roberts works with her 2nd and 3rd grade students, March 12, 2015, in Harrington, Wash.
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Harrington 1st-grader Macrae Larmer wrote a personal message to a classmate named Jayden, March 12, 2015. The note says “Congratulation Jayden you finaly have a baby sister. I am so Happy! Love Macrae.”
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Harrington High School sophomore James Mann places books in his locker after classes, March 12, 2015. Photos of graduating students from the late ‘30s and early ‘40s hang on the wall above. Mann’s grandmother, father and uncles are among the faces on the walls.
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Harrington School District Superintendent Mike Perry visits with special-needs student Alex Beattie, March 12, 2015.
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Harrington School District Superintendent Mike Perry, right visits with Lincoln County sheriff’s deputy Andy Manke, as special-needs student Alex Beattie rides his trike down the school’s hallway.
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Special-needs student Alex Beattie rides his tricycle through Harrington’s historic gym, March 12, 2015, in Harrington, Wash. It was named one of the state’s top 20 gyms by the Seattle Times. State banners ring the walls around the gym honoring the school’s athletic accomplishments when they were the Falcons, Hurricanes and now the Titans.
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Harrington School 8th grader Bryce Beer clowns around in the outfield while playing baseball during a P.E. class, March 12, 2015, at the school.
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Pictures of the Harrington High School class of 1918 hang on the wall near a lounge area where staff and students gather, March 12, 2015, in Harrington.
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Harrington School District Superintendent Mike Perry discusses with office manager Kathy Countryman the school’s 1959 yearbook opened on a page that recorded a basketball game when Harrington played Wilson Creek. A call came to the office earlier in the day by a local man requesting the information because of a bet between brothers over the game’s outcome, March 12, 2015.
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The trophy case at Harrington School District is filled with championship keepsakes, including footballs, basketball and team pictures.
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A Harrington School student tries to get a peek under the school’s pool door between classes, March 12, 2015.
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Newspaper clippings of students and athletes of the week are displayed on a hallway board inside the Harrington School.
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Harrington School volunteer Linda Colbert makes an evening check of chicken eggs in an incubator, March 12, 2015, in the school’s 1st and 2nd grade classroom. Colbert makes sure every student will have their own hatching to attend to, even if some of the eggs do not hatch.
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Linda Colbert’s farm with the “I Love You” message painted on the barn’s roof, sits in the adjacent field across from the Harrington School District building, March 12, 2015.
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Harrington School principal Justin Bradford slices Fuji apples and school bus driver, volunteer and classroom para-professional Linda Colbert gathers Rice Krispies Treats for snack-time offerings to students participating in the The Little Mermaid production at the school, March 12, 2015.
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Harrington students gather for an after-school practice for a rendition of The Little Mermaid. Nearly all students participate in the school’s only production of the year.
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Harrington students with fish props wait backstage to enter during practice for a rendition of The Little Mermaid. Nearly all students participate in the school’s only production of the year.
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Harrington students take the stage for to practice a rendition of The Little Mermaid. Nearly all students participate in the school’s only production of the year.
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Harrington students Annika Walters and Jack Plaskon practice their leading parts in The Little Mermaid, March 12, 2015, in the school’s cafeteria.
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Cast members for The Little Mermaid respond to a sea monster during practice scene, March 12, 2015, in the Harrington School’s cafeteria.
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William Victor launches off the diving board for a cannonball plunge during open swim in the Harrington School District’s public pool, March 12, 2015.
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A Harrington School Disctrict bus returns to the garage as the evening light falls on the school and fields, March 12, 2015.
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